1. Two people can look at the exact same situation and see it completely differently.
2. We always see life as we are, not as it is.
3. People change.
4. People come into our life for a day, a week, a month, a season, perhaps a year or longer, always to teach us something.
5. You are allowed to close doors to protect yourself, you may even say goodbye, but never wish someone harm.
6. You may be willing to do more for others than they do for you.
7. Choose your inner circle wisely.
8. Actions speak louder than words.
9. People are always fighting battles we can’t see, or may know nothing about.
10. Minimize the drama.
11. It’s okay to gently drift away from people.
12. Not everyone is going to love you or your choices.
13. Relationships, friendships, partnerships—they don’t work unless we do.