Are you technically fit to parent?

Are you technically fit to parent?

The most rewarding point to be a parent is to mentoring, guiding your child. However, how do you parent, not govern in a digital way? Kids might be cyber-bullied. There is a huge digital gap existed between parents and kids. If we don’t bridge the gap, our kids will be alienated from us, and the technology gap will expand over time. Nowadays, kids are digital natives. They don’t think technology is a tool because they naturally grow in this environment. On the other hand, we are digital tourists who migrate. Therefore, how to govern, enable, and parent becomes critical issues. We have to adapt, change, and make struggles, but they will be worth it.


Michael Fey offers practical advice for parents to close the digital divide between them and their children to help ensure the whole family has a healthy interaction discovering and enjoying the latest technologies.

  1. Believe there is a digital gap due to culture and behavior.
  2. Make technical decisions: look at the trends, understand, and try to join
  3. Use technology to relate to your child. Be a sharper in the digita community, not a gap-keeper to reduce the chance of harm. Make connection to your child!