Hello World! Welcome to my digital portfolio! This website is designed to keep a record of my journey in teaching and learning in the educational field. As an educator, my ultimate goal is to become a licensed elementary teacher in an international school.
I’ve developed a skill set directly relevant to the teacher role, including classroom management, curriculum development, instructional technology, and education administration. Overall, I have consistently demonstrated problem-solving, communication, and language abilities in every aspect of my teacher and school secretary role at my school. Therefore, I set up educational tends section, instructional technology section, and projects section with some samples of my accumulating works and examples of how I have integrated a wide variety of technologies into a classroom setting. As to my blog, it is a safe and comfortable space for me to jog down some of my life, teaching, and reflection. Feel free to come visit my digital portfolio and exchange some information and ideas.
Hi Pei-Husan,
Thanks for posting your “Hello, World!” post!
Your site looks incredible! You’ve really gone above and beyond what I was hoping to see for this first post, and I’m thrilled that your site is beginning to take shape into an actual portfolio that could be used to showcase your teaching & technology skills!
I hope that you continue working on this throughout our time together – this could really evolve into a powerful tool to help promote yourself as well as connect with other teachers around the world.
Great job! I’m looking forward to working with you this session!
Hi Dr. Kapp,
Thanks for your comment. I am excited to build my own website as my digital protfolio. It is my interest to integrate technology into the classroom. Since I received my master’s degree in curriculun development & instructional technology from SUNY Albany, it has been 10 years that I alsomt had no chance to continue my multimedia advanture and learning journey. I am excited to have this opportunity learn both elenmentary educational trends and instructional technology from you and continue ehnacing my prefession.