Has the ‘screen time’ ever made you worried or in trouble?

As a teacher, our school policy clearly defines how the homework amount is supposed to be varied by grade levels. However, there is nothing called ‘screen time policy. Therefore, I often had parents came to the office and asked how much screen time do my kid needs to spend on assignments. I have ever had several parents concerned about their kids using too much 3C and decided to transfer. Then, my question is— How much is “appropriate” or “too much” screen time? How do people define it? Before the COVID pandemic, I had no specific feeling about screen time. It was just occasionally some popped-up screen reports on my cellphone which told me how much screen time did I spend during last week. I never paid attention to it seriously. However, since I started online teaching as a teacher and learning as a student to pursue my teaching certificate, I have to spend ALL DAY LONG from morning to midnight staring at the screen. I started to feel that screen time can become an issue. For me, as a teacher, it is hard to say whether screen time is necessary or detrimental to students. On one hand, I think technology stimulates students learning; it gets kids so excited to learn. Indeed, game-based learning can motivate students to overcome frustration and obstacles. On the other hand, when I myself have a duo status, both teacher and students, I am really worried about my eyesight. Unlike the super energetic university students, my eyes become easily tired, so I have to use eye drops to make them comfortable and apply eye-warmer to keep them relaxed and healthy. Thus, when I scanned through some websites, “Screens: Are They Ruining Our Brains and Mental Health and Eyes and…” caught my eyeballs. If you are in the same situation as me, stay tuned and listen to Spotify. It is an interesting debatable topic that is worth your attention!

In fact, one study found that getting kids outside for 40 extra minutes a day during school dropped the rates of myopia and other studies have found this kind of thing too.

But as we’re realizing that the myopia epidemic is way more complicated than just – big bad screen — a new fear around our eyes was born — around blue light! It sits on the blue part of the light spectrum .. and you can find it in sunlight … and beaming out of our screens.  It’s the latest in the long line of fears around screens… People are worried that this is wrecking our eyes and even mucking up our sleep. But when scientists looked into this, they found that only a teeny tiny amount of blue light is being beamed from our screens. Therefore, is it because we have stereotypes towards rapidly evolving technology or technophobia is dominated our thoughts? For myself, I’m sure it’s not, but for parents of my students…definitely!