Author Archives: Pei-Hsuan Lin

About Pei-Hsuan Lin

An enthusiastic k-12 educator, a life-long learner, and a team player who loves to walk students through their learning journey.

As a Teacher, Here Are 8 Things I Would Never Do

1. Assume my child’s side of the story is the whole story. 

There are two sides to every story, but when it comes to weighing the words and actions of a professional adult against the impulsivity and immaturity of a 12-year-old who is about to get his Xbox taken away, I’m going to give serious consideration to the possibility that the adult in charge might know a thing or two about the “real story” that I don’t. That isn’t to say that the teacher is always right and the child is always wrong. But there’s a good chance that getting the teacher’s perspective on the situation could make things a lot clearer.

2. Call or email my child’s principal before first going to the teacher. 

Principals don’t appreciate it. Teachers feel undermined by it. And it’s counter-productive to building a strong rapport and a good working relationship between a parent and teacher. The same goes for CCing a principal onto an accusatory email. It’s always best for parents to try to work with the teacher first. If that proves unsatisfactory, then by all means move up the chain of command. Many teachers are happy to have the input of a supportive principal, but I would never call the principal first.

3. Talk to my child’s teacher about something she could handle herself. 

Even at a young age, children need to be taught to advocate for themselves. Parents who fight (and sometimes create) every battle for their kids are only setting them up for later struggles. Kids need to learn to respectfully ask for what they need, request clarification, and share feelings of discomfort or frustration. Most teachers will respect their students’ maturity when they handle potentially difficult situations on their own.

4. Blast a teacher or school district on social media. 

This just creates drama and is a terrible example for the kids.

5. Let my child regularly have too much screen time

…Then complain because he has low grades or because the teacher’s lessons don’t hold her attention. Perhaps the biggest threat to our children’s academic success, mental health, and their ability to think and be creative is too much screen time. If parents don’t limit that, there’s only so much a teacher can do to reach a child who is dependent on electronic stimulation. I would never want to put a teacher, or my child, in that position.

6. Overshare with a teacher. 

There are times when it is helpful for a teacher to know what is going on in a child’s personal life. If a student is struggling with something at home, that can often explain changes in behavior or trouble at school. However, a simple, “Her dad and I are going through a difficult divorce,” will suffice. Details about Dad’s extra-marital affairs or midlife crisis are unnecessary and inappropriate.

7. Share embarrassing information about my child in front of my child. 

I’ve sat through countless parent/teacher conferences where I could tell the student wanted to crawl under the table when Mom or Dad started talking about their son’s crush on a girl in class or about how their daughter should be getting her period any day which is probably why she’s so cranky. This may or may not be information that is helpful for the teacher, but some things just need to be shared privately.

8. Buy my kids the Assorted 24-pack of Flare Pensfor school. 

I mean, if you really want to drop twelve bucks on a set of pens, I am sure any teacher would be thrilled with that gift. But when a child feels the need to change her pen color 18 times during a lesson, the teacher is not thrilled.


My First Class Independently

I was assigned to be a sub-teacher who taught SEL and UOI. Two of the students (intern teachers) stayed in class to observe my teaching. It was a bit strange for me because they are interns and I am an intern, too. I am more than 10 years older than them. They came to have their internship just because of a graduation project. They signed the contract with the school and helped out here in classrooms.

The school thinks that I have teaching experience and I’ve developed my teaching skills in Kaohsiung, so I am able to teach independently. I think it was a great opportunity for me to have hands-on teaching experience teaching in real classrooms. I am glad that although my previous school did not provide observation chances and teaching demo, I feel lucky that I earned the practical experience here while I just transition here.

I am preparing for P5 Science class. I am a bit worried because the content itself is not age-appropriate and too hard for the P5 kids. In addition, I heard that it will be hard to have some challenging boys in class. I think this will be a good learning journey, but I really don’t wanna mess it up.

A big anxious day

My mom is having a spine surgery now. She barely cannot walk. She decided to have this surgery long time ago and regret for many times due to her worries about me, my dad, my grandparents, our home business, and house chores. She, again, made a decision when I am in a very difficult situation. She knew that I have had a hard time here, but due to her amnesia and health condition, she could not handle things well. I am worried about my mom’s surgery, but except for praying for her, nothing I can do now.

I felt helpless and hopeless until my friends comforted me and leveraged the connection for me. They recommended me to their school management team, provided me with information on renting a house, and suggested some interview strategies. I will have an interview tomorrow. Wish me best of luck. All I want is to change to another place get my internship done, pass the comp exam, and graduate on time.


As a teacher, if kids feel tired or rest their hands and arms on the desks, we would ask, “Are you okay?” “Go wash your face.” Just now during the recess time, I felt stressed out and exhausted, I rested their hands and arms on the desks and started to have a short rest, one of my kids came to wake me up and check in on me 「老師,你還好嗎?」My reply was 「我沒事,只是很累。」Then, I realized that I can’t rest at my desk in the classroom. My kids would check on me : )

Also, When I covered the duty last week, one of my kids came to me and said 「老師,你什麼時候要教我們? 我們會配合你,但是有些男生都不合作……。」「老師,我們知道你很努力,我們不會毀了你的一生……。」Eariler, one of my kids checked with me 「老師,你的錄影通過了嗎?」I was smiling when they concern about me. Kids, you are so SWEET : )





One little thing that makes my day is that my kids came to me and surrounded around me all the time. During the UOI class, they are working on their formative assessment,



E:因為比較舒服,而且老師,如果我不會還可以問你 (開心貌)

以前我的好時候,打死都不會想坐在老師旁邊,因為有種莫名的壓力,而且壓力很大,閃都來不及,我怎麼可能還自投羅網?現在班孩的反應讓我覺得我的師生關係很正向,也很開心孩子們願意接受我這個老師 :)

Follow up

Okay, after chaos in the last few days, I talked to Michael, Julia, Grace, and my mom. Now I have a clear picture of how to cope with this situation. First, I will practice and get the logistics done today including contacting Mark, confirming with the directors, borrowing the video recorder, and testing the tech equipment. I will go ahead and have an interview with people. If it is successful, I will go there; if not, I will stay and tough it out no matter S throws any kids of unreasonable requests and challenges.

I have spent more than 15 years on this hill. I don’t want to leave because of S although she is so MEAN. All I worry about is that S gives me more hard time which makes me unable to graduate on time.

Yesterday, Grace told me to be principled and not lie to the school about taking leave. Thus, I will be honest because my mom will have surgery then seriously. That’s why I am stressed out. I feel like I have been living in survival mode for a long time since S treated me poorly.

Notes: I finally completed my teaching demo last Friday. Generally, except for time management, things went smoothly. I received 93% of it and the thing I need to improve on is differentiated instruction.

Notes: I have not informed Pat about all the affairs I encountered because I am not sure about my transition yet. However, I was so nervous about if she received all the teaching demo stuff from Mark. She realized a different behavior pattern from me because I was too overwhelmed to reply to her and I usually submitted my assignment in time. She consistently told me via Facetime that I will be fine and she even asked me to talk to her that “I will be fine”. I felt supported because we met each other only for 2 months. She realized that I am always hardworking and she would like to help me out.

Happy Teacher’s Day to All

It’s Teacher’s Day today. Lots of my kids told me Happy Teacher’s Day this morning. This generation of kids did NOT have any experience of 921 Earthquake, so one of the kids shot out that no, Teacher’s Day is on September 21. We were all laughing. It sounds like people eat mooncakes during Dragon Boat Festival.

I chatted with Michael and here’s the conversation below.

M: Why are most of you scared of S?

Me: She always bent the rules. She made the right ting wrong and made the wrong thing right. It makes people confused without integrity.

M: If people said one thing and do the other, s/he is not principal. She is a hyprocrait.

Me: How did you know that Sh got blamed?

M: Well, J told me. As I told you that I have reported, but the other people just balmed Sh. Sh did not tell me….

What a negative atmosphere here. I feel sorry about it alough I love here because I have had lots of memories on this hill. I received my schooling here and have the genes.