The 7 types of rest that every person needs

Have you ever tried to fix an ongoing lack of energy by getting more sleep — only to do so and still feel exhausted? I slept a lot but still feel tired. What is a deficit?

The first type of rest we need is physical rest.

The second type of rest is mental rest.

The third type of rest we need is sensory rest.

The fourth type of rest is creative rest.

This person requires emotional rest, which means having the time and space to freely express your feelings and cut back on people-pleasing behavior. Emotional rest also requires the courage to be authentic. An emotionally rested person can answer the question “How are you today?” with a truthful “I’m not okay” — and then go on to share some hard things that otherwise go unsaid.

If you’re in need of emotional rest, you probably have a social rest deficit too.

The final type of rest is spiritual rest, which is the ability to connect beyond the physical and mental and feel a deep sense of belonging, love, acceptance, and purpose.

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