Some reflection…

As I am working as a teacher and taking classes for my teaching certification at the same time, I am really overwhelmed and stressed out. With the intensive class modules, I need to become multi-tasking and absorbing new stuff quickly. As I am taking one psychology class and one tech class, I kinda feel that the two hemispheres were separated into Psy part and Tech part. It seems that my schemata cannot be activated at the same time, but with social constructivism, I need to adapt to the environment so that I can survive. Well, I have to say that after twists and turns, I am finally here, and sometimes it is a struggle, but at least, I cherish the opportunity I have and I am moving towards my ultimate goal, becoming an elementary school licensed teacher. Thanks to supports at home, at school, and far afield. I love you all!

By the way, this noon, my ex-colleagues and I were on Apple event website to register Apple training courses for teachers. All of a sudden, within 5 seconds, all coursed are full! I was eager to learn more Apple tech skills as I am a Mac user now, but I was disappointed that all the rooms are occupied. I need to keep updating my knowledge about both Microsoft and Mac systems because no matter where I teach, I need to equip my tech skills with me.

That’s it for today. Good night : )