As time passes, new ideas about positive class management have replaced strict discipline. As I read an article about establishing classroom rules, I am glad to witness positive changes in dynamics in education.
Instead of saying not doing XXX, we say positive words like Tacher’s Love message.
- No matter how you behave, I will still love you.
- I am so lucky and blessed to be your teacher.
- You are unique. You are a special individual in my heart.
- As long as you’ve tried your best, it’s okay if you didn’t do it well.
In addition, Egan and Aaliyah argued in the classroom. I handled it by asking what was happening and asking them to say sorry to each other. However, Egan was not willing to. I said, okay, if you don’t feel comfortable, we can talk about it later. It doesn’t mean that you can skip it, but we can talk about it LATER. We continued the class. In the afternoon, I asked them to come. Eagn told me actively that Tr, I am okay now and he said sorry to Aaliyah. Aaliyah told me, “Tr. we played together. We are friends now.” What a wonderful story! We need to handle these cases tenderly and patiently. Most of the time, they will turn out nicely. Trust your guts and your kids!
This is the pin-dou I made. for my new. class, Garfield.