I tested negative. I was expecting that I could go back to work this morning. In the process of recovering, my mind seemed to rush to go back, but my body seemed not ready yet. Therefore, I need to double-check with G and R. Even if working in the same school, people hold different perspectives. They want to do whatever separately, but no one purely looked from my side, as a patient. It turned out to be…I was not sure what to do and checked it with Grace. How come I need to do so? I don’t know…but I really learned that she is the only one who stands by my side, purely looking from a patient’s perspective…and perhaps, she encountered cancer, so she was empathic and supportive without a personal stance. Eventually, I need this 4th day to recover. I am not 100% but at least, I feel that I am physically and mentally prepared. I’ve tried everything I can for tomorrow.
The doctor was right. He said, “I can’t ask you to disobey the school policy and not wear a mask” and ” Sleeping a lot is your physical mechanism which tells you your body is not fully recovering yet”.