Issues of screen time again

As I posted earlier about ‘screen time’, as technology advances, researchers pay more attention to technology, play, and learning. In the process of child development, play time is essential. It not only opens up an opportunity for children to explore the world but also stimulates children’s curiosity and creativity. It is definitely beneficial to children’s brain development. However, there is a tendency that when kids are noisy, parents use digital devices to direct children’s attention, which is, ‘babysit children with the technology’. Then when young children have not yet developed their self-control, screens can occupy, distract, and entertain children for sure.

Thus, it is detrimental for both sides: for the child, learning to look outside of oneself for happiness or distraction in tough times; for parents, learning to rely on screens instead of our own ingenuity to soothe and occupy kids. It deprives the interaction between parents and children. It also destroys the explore opportunity for both children and parents. Moreover, it is not a good parenting skill certainly. It just kills children’s time and wastes the cherished moment getting along with parents.

Therefore, how might time on screens affect relationships? In my opinion, before children developed self-regulation skills, stop babysit them with screen time. Kids have no choice nor perception to self control. 

Reference: Beware the quick tech fix when….