Now I understand

Fifteen years ago when I conducted the multimedia project, I had Grace work until 12 midnight. Until 8 years ago, I ate lunch with her, and someone told me “Grace 老師很疼你,你要記得!“ Now, I become a licensed teacher, and I understand.

Yesterday, I promised my students that if they behaved well, I will give them stickers as rewards. I got home around 9 pm due to the choir performance, and I went to 9X9 to get Pokemon stickers for them. I told them that I will try everything I can to help them. Now, I understand.

Currently, kids get familiar with me and they are close to me. They hold my hands, climb on me, and argue for getting my attention. I told them, ” 老師愛你們“ I love them! I do. Thus, I understand the way that Grace did to me. I appreciated all what she has done.