I was always happy when students came back to visit, and it was usually the most heartfelt and touching moment. I am glad to witness students growth and maturity. When kids become teens, they might become disobey, but it view this process positively as a nature adventure in life. Therefore, I love my kids and they are always welcome back to say hi and share their lives and stories with me : )
I miss them.
I work closely with my kids, generally for several years. And then, they are gone. And I miss them. Every year I rework my program, my department, and my life to fill holes that kids leave when they graduate. I have to find someone to do the jobs they did, for me and for the program. Who is going to be the lead technician? Who is going to be the one who welcomes in the new kids? Who is going to be the student voice when I am making decisions? Who is going to be the one who makes us laugh?
I get to see who they are becoming.
One of the things I love most about teaching high school is watching my students grow and become adults. Once they graduate, though, I stop getting to see that process. When kids come back, I get to hear about their lives and see how much they’ve changed.
My former students are the best role models for my current ones.
In my program, we tell stories about former students: the time B ripped his pants on stage during a show and handled it beautifully; the time C started the year in tears because of stage fright and ended the year with two shows under her belt; the way J ran everything and knew where everything was. These kids are the heroes of the department, and when the new kids get to meet them, it continues the tradition of learning from people who have been their shoes.
They remind me why I teach.
As someone who gets super focused and uptight, having someone come in who is there just to be happy and enjoy themselves reminds me of the fun parts of my job and to have fun with my students.
These are my kids. They will always be my kids.
Reference: https://www.weareteachers.com/former-student-visits/?fbclid=IwAR0BdsvZRju6vGOe8V1aJzVVN4p28Xq24Rg3JS80e2YDQsO49oesYe7nsCE