
The incident that my aunt “stole” my student loan was handle until almost the last step, canceling the original setting of high interests 50 thousand NTD loan. Yesterday, someone told my mom, ” It is really your sister’s fault; she should NOT use the student loan without the consent of Pei-Hsuan.” Finally, I heard something with justice!

My mom asked for a cup of coffee from me for a while. I asked her to promise that after I convince my dad to sign for the form of canceling, my mom needs to “handle this issue with her staff side of family” so that she needs to talk to my aunt and my grandma. For this reason, I have not been to my grandma’s house for a while. Actually, I DEAR NOT to go there because I don’t want to meet my aunt at all. We need to KEEP DISTANCE for the SAFETY reason.

I have been praying for a while since I felt this incident was unfair to me. All steps I need to do are:

  1. convince my dad to sign the form of canceling setting
  2. take a picture as an evidence and submit it to my mom
  3. most importantly, keep calm and concentrate on my study

Friends, if you see this post, please pray for me, many thanks!