Ghost puppet

How to make a ghost puppet

You will need:

• felt
• embroidery thread
• scissors
• needle and needle-threader
• stuffing
• dowel rod or chopstick
• fabric glue

This ghost-softie-template

How to:

  1. Print out the template
  2. Cut roughly around the ghost shapes and pin to felt, then cut around the lines of the template to get your ghost shapes

3. Thread a length of embroidery thread onto a sewing needle using a needle threader and tie a knot in the tail end

4. Begin sewing around the ghost halfway across the base, about 2cm from the bottom to leave room for a fringe.

5. Sew most of the way around using running stitch, leaving a small gap to poke the stuffing in

6. Stuff the ghost and poke the dowel rod in. If you like you can use a bit of fabric glue to hold the rod in place

7. Sew the remainder of the ghost, and finish by sewing tightly around the dowel rod and tying a knot in the end of the thread.

8. Cut a fringe along the base of the ghost

9. Use page 2 of the template to cut out some eyes and a mouth, or design your own.


10. Glue them on with fabric glue

11. All done! Now it’s time for a ghostly puppet show.

My work: 
