Halloween Candy People

As a teacher, most of the time NO CANDIES to students, but Halloween is exceptional. However, have you ever thought of Halloween candies and make connection with STEM?

To make Halloween Candy People, here’s what you’ll need:

  • Round chocolate Halloween Faces
  • Rockets
  • Mini Chocolate Bars
  • Glue Gun
  • Ribbon

Start by gluing the face to the FRONT of the mini chocolate bar. Don’t go too crazy with the hot glue or your chocolate could melt. Just use enough to make sure it’s held firmly in place.

Next, flip it over and glue the arms on the BACK of the mini chocolate bar, right on the top part of the wrapper.

And again on the BACK of the mini chocolate bar, glue the legs on. But this time, make sure you put your glue dot a little higher than the bottom edge of the wrapper. Otherwise your candy person will have very thin looking hip joints.

See how the legs are glued on slightly higher onto the chocolate bar below? You can play around with it, but I preferred the way it looked done this way.

Then flip it over and BAM you have a candy character! So simple!



Reference: https://onelittleproject.com/halloween-candy-people/?fbclid=IwAR2QbZZQQvcl2lVz_w6JMPpDwuDXjYOxzkJgv3OkVggMXRwq26j6frjUoOk