10 Parenting Choices That Impact Teachers

As teachers, we have a huge amount of influence on our tiny charges. But six hours is only one-fourth of a day. Parents, the other 18 hours belong to you… and your parenting choices have an enormous impact, either positive or negative, on your little scholar and by extension, their teacher.

Parenting choices that DON’T help

1. No consistent bedtime

2. Early use of social media without parental supervision

3. Lack of manners

4. Not teaching kids to be independent

5. Not expecting kids to be accountable

Kids make mistakes. Every day. Mistakes have both predictable and unpredictable consequences. This is a normal, human, necessary part of growing up. When parents fail to allow children to own their mistakes, to be accountable for them, and to make amends, they are stunting their child’s emotional development. It is part of a teacher’s job to teach children how to be good people. Parents who blame the teacher or other kids for their own child’s actions make this so much more difficult.

Parenting choices that DO help

1. Modeling and teaching respect and gratitude

2. Supporting with homework

3. Appreciation for diversity

4. Resilience through adversity

School is tough. Let’s face it, LIFE is tough. Parents who allow their children to fail, and encourage the grit it takes to persevere and try again, are demonstrating that hard work matters. When times get tough, and they will, it’s children with resilience who will come out on top. Students who tackle hard problems with enthusiasm, and attempt new solutions when the initial ones failed, are a teacher’s dream. News flash – these often aren’t the high achievers either. They are the stubborn ones, the creative ones, the out-of-the-box thinkers. A family that values these traits over high grades is one that sets their children up for true success.

5. Being organized
