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Negative feeling…

Last night I received a message from the director that she got COVID, and she asked me to cover her lunch duties. I had a hard time last night because as an intern teacher, if any accidents happen, no one is going to take responsibility, and I have no stance to take any responsibility at all. In addition, the school does not have insurance for me because I am not a full-time employee here. Now, everything’s fine, but I do worry about someone will take revenge. Looking from my stance, all these kinds of jobs like duty belong to the office team. I wonder why it gets to other teachers. Although the office is short on staff, this should become an excuse for me to shoulder the EXTRA responsibility that is out of my scope and control.

Also, since I consistently have conflicts with my mom and dad, my mom told me that, ” Why do you have trouble every day? (你為什麼每天都有事?)“ I don’t know actually, but I feel that all these results from the core, someone, the tricky person. I dislike the feeling at all. All I want is to get my internship done and earn my MEd with a teaching license. Other than this, nothing else at the moment.

Stop Making Teachers Feel Guilty for Asking to Be Paid for Their Work

“Everybody here shows up early and stays late. Every teacher at this school tutors after school for free because they care about the kids.”

And that part was a little soul crushing.

See, I love my students. I do all the things teachers all over America do: I make time to spend with them one on one; I buy school supplies and sometimes food for kids who need it; I show up to their extracurricular activities and cheer until I lose my voice. But I’ve also got two kids of my own and a husband who travels, and somebody has to pick the baby up from daycare.

As any working parent knows, it’s more like a seesaw than a balancing act. I just burned through two days of emergency lesson plans so I could have a Harry Potter movie marathon with my sick third grader. But I’ll be missing both elementary and preschool Christmas parties because I have to be at the holiday dance at my own school. Somebody is always getting the short end of the stick and, no matter where you are, you probably ought to be somewhere else.

So I can’t put in a 10.5-hour day every day (unless you count the time I spend grading and planning after my kids are in bed).

I left the training feeling guilty about this. if I just cared more about my students, if I were a more dedicated teacher, what would they be able to accomplish that they won’t do without my help?

On the way home, though, I had an epiphany: I shouldn’t feel bad because I can’t work for free. They should feel bad about not paying their teachers for their time. When it comes to teacher pay, the teacher-martyr stereotype is a whole lot more damaging than Casual Fridays. (This school felt that wearing jeans in the classroom undermines our professional image.)

It’s certainly not just this school, either. I’ve had administrators who expected teachers to spend hours of unpaid time at school every day. I’ve listened to administrators say things like, “Some people’s classroom libraries look a little shabby. I know it’s a lot to ask for you to go out of pocket for that, but it’s really important that our students see books in every classroom, and we expect everybody to chip in … .” I’ve asked about overtime for weeklong field trips, only to be told that if I cared about the kids I’d be happy to do it for free.

I care about my students and my own children. I care about my physical and mental health. But I also care about being able to keep the lights on and the mortgage paid.

These things shouldn’t be mutually exclusive. Schools have limited resources, and there are real kids with real needs at stake, who run the risk of falling through the gaps in funding and time. But could we, as a profession, agree that the job of teachers is not to stretch ourselves so thin we’re transparent as we try to fill every gap? If, instead, we could agree to speak up for our students, to make their needs apparent rather than use our already-slim resources to fill them, maybe we’ll see a change. But as long as we keep shaming teachers who can’t or won’t work for free, we’re feeding into the myth that our work isn’t valuable. And I’m not buying that lie anymore.


10 Hilarious Differences Between New and Experienced Teachers

Whether you have been teaching for three decades or three weeks, you are a rock star educator all the same. However, experienced teachers and new teachers have a lot of differences. Your first year of teaching is full of wanting to do everything perfectly, while teachers who have been in the game for years have learned certain tricks that make it look like they have it all figured out. Here are ten ways new and experienced teachers are like two different species. 

With 5.5 years and some teaching experience at different schools and institutes, I am kind of in the between. However, I still feel that going to bathroom for teachers during recess time is a challenge especially when my school is under construction.

1. Classroom Management

New teachers

Possess a whole arsenal of Teacher Pay Teacher attention getters printed on brightly colored cardstock, laminated, and hole-punched on a ring. When the class gets out of control, they frantically flip through, hoping that maybe, “Hocus Pocus, everybody focus” will work better than “Yakety Yak, don’t talk back.”

Experienced teachers

Do not prescribe to the cute attention grabber movement because their death glare has been working since 2007. They are frequently called down to an unruly lunchroom because their mere presence causes students to stop acting a fool immediately. Newbies, lunch workers, and the office staff stand agape, wondering how any single human can make a room full of 100 students behave with a simple look.

2. Lesson Planning

New teachers

Dedicate every waking hour to lesson planning in their Erin Condren planner because when you are a new teacher, lesson planning is life and the planner is just plain fun to write in. Every planning session at school is studiously used to the fullest potential with standards-based, backward planning informed by student assessments.

Experienced teachers

Lesson plan on the couch with a glass of wine and Mrs. Maisel because let’s be real… grade-level meetings are for swapping recipes and complaining about the latest busy work they won’t be doing. They know their lessons are standards-based and are informed by their students’ assessments because they know the standards and curriculum by heart, word-for-word.

3. Distance Teaching

New teachers

Create a full-on replica of a wall in their classroom, complete with cute motivational art, pom-poms for flair, and a magnetic whiteboard to teach on.

Experienced teachers 

Refuse to take on the expense or effort of building a makeshift classroom in their home. Students get a view of their dusty china cabinet or the winter coats in their closet. They do their best to be peppy and fun as they present Google Slides, but this is not their jam. 

4. Staff Meetings

New teachers 

Show up to the meeting with a personalized hybrid notebook-clipboard and matching Flair pens to write down every single word the principal utters using an elaborate color-coding system. They sit up, alert, and ready to absorb ALL THE THINGS.

Experienced teachers

Show up to the meeting empty-handed. If it’s necessary to write something down, they grab an Expo marker out of their pocket and write it down on a greasy donut napkin. They’ve somehow mastered the inexplicable art of sleeping with their eyes open with a facial expression that screams: “this could have been an email.”

5. Buying Classroom Supplies and Décor

New teachers

Buy out the entire Target Dollar Spot and school supply aisles on their way to Lakeshore, IKEA, and HomeGoods, where they drop more than their school loan on brightly-colored bins and a gorgeous white desk (because the brown, 70s-era school ones are “ew”). Let’s not forget the geometric print rugs that will be covered with Expo marker “oops,” not even a month into the school year.  

Experienced teachers

Buy a brand-new pack of the name-brand Sharpies. That’s it. That’s all they buy for the new school year because they won’t buy school supplies that students eat. Their “minimalist” classroom “theme” they created 15 years ago will just have to cut it.

6. Open House and Parent-Teacher Conferences 

New teachers

Spend hours after contract time the week leading up to open house making a Meet the Teacher newsletter, themed signs and posters. During conferences, they give out goodie bags for the students, complete with take-home math manipulatives.

Experienced teachers 

Don’t realize it is now a “thing” to create your own theme or buy one from Teachers Pay Teachers for the open house. They clearly don’t have time for this so they just put up the same old PowerPoint with talking points they have used for a decade. If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it.

7. Professional Development

New teachers

Genuinely want to soak in all the learning. They arrive at the PD with their personalized teacher bag, their Hydro Flask adorned with cute teacher stickers, and a fantastic attitude that makes the veteran teachers feel a little guilty about their “meh” attitude, for just a few seconds. 

Experienced teachers

Could teach the entire PD. So instead of listening, they unabashedly get out their laptop and lesson plan or catch up on grading. The principal doesn’t say a thing because they’re secretly scared of some of the veteran teachers.

8. Taking Grading Home For the Weekend

New teachers

Have a peppy teacher bag with a motivational saying in a Beckham font, bursting at the seams with at least a month’s worth of work they genuinely think they will get done after Sunday Funday brunch.

Experienced teachers

Walk out of school on a Friday with their lunch bag, a swagger, and a smile because they left behind everything- the work, the stress, the expectations, everything. Bye, Felicia! They realized long ago that there are simply not enough hours in a day and their plates are piled too high to get it all done. 

9. Bladder Control

New teachers

Have actual nightmares about the principal walking in when they urgently need to run to the bathroom. . .

Experienced teachers

Not only do they have bladders made of actual steel after over a decade of holding it for hours every day, but they’ve also figured out the optimum times to hightail it to the bathroom that is magically never occupied. It’s like a science, and veterans have it down.

10. Contract Hours

New teachers

Basically, live at school. The idea of “contract hours” is laughable when you watch the sunrise and sunset from your classroom windows. When they are at home, they have stacks of grading and a to-do pile as big as the unfolded clean laundry thrown on their bed. They won’t see four o’clock from anywhere but their classroom for a good, long while. 

Experienced teachers

Abide by contract hours because they have their lesson planning, grading, and prep memorized. They refuse to spend any valuable time on lesson plans that admin won’t even read, so they send a picture of the chicken scratch on their lunch-stained desk calendar and call it a day. They make sure not to give out assignments that take too much time to grade. This ain’t their first rodeo, as can be told by their gray hairs, eyebrow wrinkles, and bold take-no-BS-attitude. 

No matter if you get up in the morning with precisely 15 minutes to get to school or you’re in your classroom before the sun rises, you are appreciated. Now more than ever, we need to stick together, but we also need to laugh and appreciate all the different ways teaching kids can be done effectively. Despite where we are on our teaching journey, we all scream obscenities in our heads at least once a day (sometimes out loud). And that is a fact. 


An accident happened…

Yesterday, a student got a bone fracture on her finger when playing house sports. A student told me that his sister got COVID-19, but he tested negative. Thus, his dad sent him to the school. Then this morning, we had been informed that all students and teachers need to go home under the MOE policy because we got along with the kid. Now, we are waiting for the lunchbox to be delivered and the parents to pick up all the kids. I strongly hope that I am healthy because I closely got in touch with that kid who got COVID. Now, if you read my post, please put me in your prayers. I need more positive vibes and luck. No more COVID!

25 Classroom Jobs That Promote Kindness & Responsibility AND Lessen Your Workload

1. Kindness catcher

This student keeps an eye out for acts of kindness. They then write a quick note about the act on a post-it note and stick it in a designated spot on the wall or bulletin board. 

2. Greeter

The greeter arrives to class first and greets everyone by name as they arrive. 

3. Birthday manager

This student keeps track of classmates’ birthdays and checks to see if they want it publicly acknowledged or not. If they pass, the birthday manager discretely gives them a card on their special day. 

4. Inspirational quote writer

This person is in charge of writing an inspirational quote or message on the board each morning. 

5. Maintenance

Sink leaking? Desk wobbly? The classroom maintenance person acts as your liaison with the staff member in charge of maintenance.

6. Paper person

This person is in charge of all things to do with paper – passing it out, collecting it, stapling, hole punching, filing, etc.

7. Errand runner

The errand runner is your delivery and pickup person. They can also walk sick students to the nurse. 

8. Absent student support

This person checks in with students when they return from an absence to make sure they know what was missed and are aware of upcoming assignments. They also send an encouraging message to students who are out for more than two days.

9. Homework and form helper

Students go to this person when they are missing printed assignments or forms instead of you.

10. Materials manager

The materials manager keeps materials organized. They also make a list of what needs to be replaced or replenished. 

11. Germ patrol

Also known as hand sanitizer squirter. This person stands at the classroom door squirting hand sanitizer to those who pass. They also make sure tissues and soap are replenished. 

12. Encourager

This person pays attention to their classmates and offers words of encouragement to those who need it, either verbally or through a quick note. 

13. Announcements

Put someone else in charge of reminders and announcements at the start of class. 

14. Pencil Patrol

This person keeps pencils sharpened, checks them out to students and then collects them at the end of class. 

15. Bulletin board team

A few students can be on this committee to help keep bulletin boards updated and maintained.  

16. Name chaser

This person looks over papers to make sure they have a name on them, then finds the owner if a name is missing.  

17. Door person

It’s distracting to stop teaching every time someone comes to your door. The door person handles it for you, taking messages and interrupting your lesson only as needed. 

18. Positivity spreader

Your classroom is a positive, supportive and encouraging place to be, so why not spread it to the rest of the school? This person acts as an ambassador outside of your classroom to post notes of positivity on bulletin boards.

19. Tech suppor

Duties include setting up technology and making sure equipment is charged. 

20. Desk and counter wiper

It’s not the most glamorous job, but keeping surfaces clean is an important part of a healthy classroom. 

21. Librarian

The librarian makes sure books are put away correctly. They also monitor their condition, taping ripped covers as needed. 

22. Info seeker

Sometimes a question comes up that you just don’t have the answer to. This person has the teacher’s permission during these times to research the info and report to the class. 

23. Gardener

This person is in charge of watering classroom plants.

24. Substitute worker

Students with jobs are still going to be absent. The substitute worker monitors absences and steps in to take over those jobs for the day. 

25. Job coordinator

This might be the most important job of all! Once you get a system in place, the job coordinator takes on the task of monitoring jobs.  
