Author Archives: Pei-Hsuan Lin

About Pei-Hsuan Lin

An enthusiastic k-12 educator, a life-long learner, and a team player who loves to walk students through their learning journey.

-ing -ing

Since I have been suddenly asked to sub in the kindergarten, B has been so NICE to me. I felt it is so weird, but the good thing is that I have lots of free time. I have to do like others, “pretending busy”.

AllI need to do is to keep quiet and “keep working” jut like others. I was so jeaslous that my colleagues had lots of free time and freedom. Now I have tons of free time and just need to kill it, like J did, watching videos and listen to radio by his own without doing any real business work. Literally, Hwen ze Hwen ze Guo…ND LIANG la. boring~

I was just finished writing 2 exam papers and intendedly leave 1 for the afternoon. It’s the pay day, finally.

The Survival Guide at R

T and me were asked to design the Writing curricuilum and Review curriculum. She is experienced here, so her attitude is clam and sophisticated. She knows how to PASS the time and day here by not OVERWORKED ONESELF. This doesn’t mean that there is no production, but to some extend, how to make oneself comfortable in the working place.

Since I deceide to renew the contract, I have too much “popped up” things. I was so tired to face the fact that most people, the ones in front my rows and behind my roles, have MUCH WORKLOAD and even they did their personal affiars during the office hours. The unfair fact that I feel so frustrated is that some of them slept until 13:20 publically and no one bothered them; however, when we hosted the speech contest, I needed to sacrifice my own rest timke to handle everything.

Now, I hope that I could go subbing at the kinddergarten as soon as possible so that I don’t have to do lots of secretail jobs. The admin jobs took up my time, and apprently, I had no time to do class prep. The quality of teaching is low. However, I have tried my best. This is the reality.

Now the question popped up in my brain was, “If you are not satisfied here, then go somewhere else.”, but it seems that most people here have their ways of surivival. It is part of the school culture here and the fact that how this school runs. I have to admit that I am straightforward and hardworking. I am not “smart” enough to skip things or live in the “energy-saving” way.

All I want is to pass every day peacefully and fulfill my contract.


Luckily I have only 1 class today. Due to the speech contest final round, I am exhausted. As I went home 9:30 pm and 10:30 pm seperately. I am really tired. I don’t wanna do anything, but REST. I have finished the translation, but I just don’t want to upload it. I would like to have some time slots and space to BREATH and just…REST.

By the way, Ella cheated in my class yesterday. I feel annoyed because I really don’t want any of my students to have negative records and be shouted. I don’t think shouting is a perper way to solve the problem….

I signed the contract

After a few weeks of struggling, I finally signed the contract. In other words, I am going to stay here for another year. They told me I will be a homeroom teacher in higher grades, probably G5. Compared with doing the admin, I will take this challenge. The purpose that I pursued my teaching license and MEd in Elementary Education is to teach, but not do the admin. Although I heard many terrible stories and anecdotes about parents here are the ugly Kings and the Queens, I listen to my heart that I will be a TEACHER, not the main or an assistant definitely.

I don’t know if I can complete the contract or not, but it is really risky. I don’t want to be fined. The amount is 2.5 months of my full salary, way too much! Best luck to me!

A quick notes to myself-I feel even more stable then the days I was hesitating and struggling. Yesterday, I got left school around 9:30 pm, and today, it was just now, 10:30 pm. However, no complaints! I had Grace work until 12 midnight when I was a junior.