Degrees, Certifications & Honors


  • The College of New Jersey (TCNJ) MEd in elementary education with teaching certificate of qualification (CQ)

  • SUNY-Albany MS in curriculum development & instructional technology

  • I-Shou University BA in Applied English

Selective Honor in my Career

  • Everything is Awesome Award, I-Shou International School-for 2017 selected faculty

Teaching Certificates

  • TESOL 120 hours certificate, American TESOL Institute

  • TESOL-Teaching English to Younger Learners (TEYL), Oxford University

  • Multimedia English Teaching Certificate, I-Shou University

  • Learning Support Teaching Certificates (Chinese, English, Math, and General subject), Yonglin Certification and Resource Center of Teaching on behalf of Ministry of Education, Taiwan


Teacher Professional Development (PD)

Integrating Multimedia into Teaching Material Design Workshop, National Taichung University of Education & International Bilingual School at Central Taiwan Science Park (ISBC)

  • Circle Solutions Training Certificate, Circle Solution
  • UC-Riverside: Introduction to Data Science for Educators

  • Harvard University: Child Protection: Children’s Rights in Theory and Practice

  • Cornell University: Teaching & Learning in Diverse Classroom

  • University of Colorado-SEL for Students: A Pathway to Social Emotional Wellbeing
  • Manchester Metropolitan University: How to Succeed as a Newly Qualified Teacher

  • Child Protection Series, Teacher’s E College, MOE, Taiwan

  • Social Psychology concentrated in brain science, Su-Te University, Taiwan
  • Apple Teacher for iPad & Mac

  • Google Education Certification (Level 1)

  • Selective Microsoft Education Certificates



  • Kahoot! EDU Meetup

  • Wakelet Webinar

  • International School Project (ISP) Certificate: Fostering character education

English Proficiency

  • TOEIC(Test of English for International Communication, TOEIC)
  • Reading/Listening: 915  Spaking:160 Writing 170  CEFR C1 Level


  • BULATS (Cambridge Business Language Testing Service)  CEFR B2 Level

Certificates of Basic Survival Skills

  • Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation & Automated External Defibrillator (CPR +AED) Certificate

    Selective Honors in my Career

    • Everything is Awesome Award, I-Shou International School for 2017 selected faculty
      • Outstanding Graduates from Applied English Dept., I-Shou University