Projects (NEW)

In the current evolving era, integrating technology into the classroom is a popular trend. It also becomes a survival method for educators during the COVID-19 pandemic. Now, after the pandemic, we still pretty much rely on technology. Therefore, in the project section, I  demonstrated some projects that I, as either a teacher or as a student, conducted throughout these years.

  • 2024 Computer Literacy- Monopoly

  • 2023: Culture Day: Hawaii

This is my K3 class culture day end-of-year exhibition. Our chosen country is Hawaii. We learned about the 5 continents and 7 oceans. Then, we jumped to the connection between Hawaii and Taiwan. We learned about Hawaii’s state flag, location, sports, bird, capital, dance, and luau party. We also made the lei, a Hawaiian flower necklace. We made a lapbook to show as a final product. In our free time, we like to make our small books to present what we have learned, and do the maze and coloring for fun. A few days right before the exhibition, we made an invitation to our parents, family, and friends to join our Hawaiian party. 

  • 2023: Teacher introduction

  • 2022: SCHOOL: The Story of American Public Education, 1900 – 1950

  • 2022: What Curriculum Is Like?

  • 2021 blockout poem- Poetry as Analysis


  • 2021 Reading Inside and Outside of a Multicultural Classroom-A Focus on Social Justice

Lightening Presentation for EDFN521 1009-3

Teacher Resource Handout Pei-Hsuan 1008-3

  • 2021 Professional Learning Team (PLT): project based learning (PBL)

3 min elevator pitch video

A website called PBL World

  • 2021 Public Service Announcement: Cyberbullying