Social Emotional Learning (SEL)

During the post-COVID era, people are stressful. Teachings are exhausted preparing online materials for recording or synchronized classes; students are tired of daily routine watching at the screen all day long; school staff is burnout due to countless digital documents and e-communications. Therefore, Social Emotional Learning (SEL) plays a critical role in our lives. Then, 1) What is Social Emotional Learning (SEL)? 2) Why does it matter? [youtube]

  • Social-emotional learning (SEL) is the process of developing the self-awareness, self-control, and interpersonal skills that are vital for school, work, and life success.
  • 5 keys to successful SEL

  1. self-awareness
  2. self-management.
  3. self-awareness.
  4. relational skills
  5. responsible decision making

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  • What is the benefit people gain from SEL?
  1. Research shows that students were 42% less likely to say they were involved in physical aggression.
  2. Research shows that 20% less bullying by students with disabilities.
  3. Research shows that $11 returned for each $1 invested in social-emotional learning.
  4. Research shows that 5–12% decrease in school dropout rates associated with SEL.
  5. Research shows that 13% increase in academic achievement with SEL.
  6. Research shows that 79% of employers say SEL skills are the most important qualities for job success.

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Since we have already known that SEL is important, what can we do as teachers?

Teachers can also naturally foster skills in students through their interpersonal and student-centered instructional interactions throughout the school day. Adult-student interactions support SEL when they result in positive student-teacher relationships, enable teachers to model social-emotional competencies for students, and promote student engagement (Williford & Sanger Wolcott, 2015).

  1. Games for Social-Emotional Learning
  2. Social-Emotional Read Alouds
  3. Daily/Frequent Student Check-In
  4. Mindful Breathing
  5. Practice Gratitude

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What are SEL topics?

Does SEL also affect adults?


Thus, as an educator, here is the claim: Please apply 15 minutes a day of SEL time to save your energy and benefit your students in their lifelong journey.

Four reasons why SEL is important during the COVID-19 Pandemic.



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  1. Collaborative for Academic, Social, and Emotional Learning (CASEL). (n.d.). SEL: What Are the Core Competence Areas and Where are they Promoted? SEL: What Are the Core Competence Areas and Where Are They Promoted? Retrieved July 20, 2021, from
  2. Committee for Children. (2021, May 28). What Is Social-Emotional Learning?
  3. Committee for Children. (2021, May 28). Workplace Readiness Skills.
  4. Four Reasons Why SEL Is So Important Right Now. (2020, August 4). YouTube.
  5. Maree, S. (2020, June 13). Social-Emotional Learning Activities for Online Teaching. Shannon Maree Teaching.
  6. Weissberg, R. (2016, February 15). Why Social and Emotional Learning Is Essential for Students. Edutopia.
  7. Williford, A.P. & Wolcott, C.S. (2015). “SEL and Student-Teacher Relationships.” In J.A. Durlak, C.E. Domitrovich, R.P. Weissberg, & T.P. Gullotta (Eds.), Handbook of Social and Emotional Learning. New York: Guilford Press.