Category Archives: educational trends

10 Things Every Teacher Needs to Hear Right Now

1. There would be no other professions without you.

If there’s one thing I want you to remember every day, it’s this. Every profession is made possible by teachers paving the way. Any time your job feels “worthless,” remember that it’s literally THE JOB that creates all other jobs…and that’s what makes it special.

2. The compliments your students give you (though rare) are 100% true…

And there are even more kids who will never admit that they just love you! The student that told you they looked forward to your class? They weren’t just saying it to get the passing grade; they really meant it. When someone compliments you, take it and use it to drown out all the negative.

3. Everyone has bad days, even teachers.

It can feel like you’re not “allowed” to have bad days because it bubbles over onto your students and causes them to get down, too. It can feel like you’re a failure when you have an “off” day simply because you have so many little eyes watching you. You’re only human, though, and no one is “great” all the time. Pandemic teaching is exhausting and it’s okay to have hard days.

4. You truly shouldn’t be asked to do all that you’re doing this year (or any year for that matter).

During this crazy time of distance/virtual/online/in-person/hybrid learning, you’re literally completing 564332 tasks under 2784472 job titles every. single. day. You’re doing the near-impossible and you’re just EXPECTED to know how to do ALL OF IT. Let that sink in for a moment. And then let go of the guilt for not being able to do it all. No one could.

5. “You’re not a bad teacher, those kids are just bad.”

Okay, they’re not really bad kids; we all know that. But the popular meme has truth to it. December just brings out the worst in kids. They want to see Santa more than they want to see another vocabulary word or math problem. It’s just plain science. By December, kids need a break as much as the teachers. We all just need a break from each other. It’s not you.

6. At the end of the day, it’s a job.

Teaching is a calling. You mean more to your students than you know. Teaching becomes a part of who you are as a person after years of being a teacher. However, you have a life outside of teaching; it’s okay to ENJOY that life. Teaching is WORK. While it changes you, it shouldn’t become ALL of you. You’re doing yourself a favor by separating your job and your LIFE.

7. Take care of yourself.

Go to the bathroom. Take a lunch break. Take a sick day. Don’t let anyone BULLY you into denying yourself basic human rights just because it seems to inconvenience someone else.

If someone has to take your class because you’re out sick, that isn’t your fault. Schools should not be so understaffed that you can’t take a sick day (or mental health day) when needed. You should be able to eat lunch, and take your time. You shouldn’t have to TRAIN YOUR BLADDER to wait HOURS. Just no. Providing more teacher support starts with normalizing basic care.

8. No one is prepared right now.

Even the Pinterest teachers weren’t pinning ideas like “How to Thrive in a Pandemic” or “Covid-Safe Chic Classrooms” in 2019. NO ONE IS PREPARED for 2020 teaching. If they act prepared, they’re lying; it’s just not possible. We’re all taking it day-by-day and pretending like we have any clue what we’re doing in the 2020-2021 school year in hopes that the kids don’t realize just how LOST we really are. I’m starting to think that this school year should count as TWO of my twenty-five years until retirement.

9. They are learning.

The students are learning. Maybe they’re failing some things and missing some assignments, but they’re learning how to be resilient in the face of uncertainty. They’re learning more about technology than ever, and they’re learning how to be extremely self-sufficient. They’re LEARNING, which should always, always be the end goal, anyway.

10. Thank you.

I know you don’t hear it enough, so I’ll tell you again: thank you.

Thank you for all that you do. Thank you for showing up every day, in the middle of chaos, in the middle of a pandemic, in the midst of economic crisis and emotional struggle and your own personal issues. Thank you for providing kids with one constant this school year, even when you may have none. Not only would there be no professions without teachers, but there’d also be a lot less wisdom and fulfillment in the world without education—so thank you.

Every teacher needs to feel supported, appreciated and seen. If you aren’t a teacher, pass this on to the teachers in your life. It just might make their day a little brighter to know someone cares.


6 Small but Mighty Ways to Make Your Students Feel Important


We’ve heard it from educators a thousand times: Observing even the simplest rules of social etiquette pays big dividends in schools. The word listen (and its many variants) appeared in the thread more than 75 times, often tucked into phrases like “just listen to students” or “really spend time listening to them” that sounded, by turns, admonitory or encouraging. For many teachers, listening to kids was a whole-body experience: “Nod your head” vigorously, suggested one teacher, while others recommended listening “with both your eyes” or giving it a try “with your whole self.”

Physical impossibilities aside, the point stands: While educators shouldn’t “push if students aren’t comfortable with it,” listening more actively sends a signal that you care. If you can, “make eye contact, sit down next to them, kneel beside them, and ask them questions about what they have going on,” suggested teacher Heidi Baehman.

You should also try to greet kids by name at the classroom door, in hallways, and anywhere you encounter them—and invest the time to get their names right, said dozens of teachers (it’s best to get “their personal preference” and “ask them to pronounce it”). “Aim to call each of them by name during each block,” and try to direct “a single idea or sentence” to as many kids as you can, confirmed teacher Joel Garza.

Finally, to give kids an extra boost, consider in-class and schoolwide shout-outs. Principal Shantelle Oliphant reported that “shout-out slips are in the office for all to access.” Once completed, they’re affixed to a hallway wall for all to see (pro tip: Not every kid has stapler skills, so consider providing tape or putty). Heather Nicole Johnson’s teenage students love her “birthday shout-outs on the whiteboard,” and a principal in Philadelphia does it digitally: “I make a short video of the announcements every day. I shout out birthdays of students and staff. It is a small gesture that students look forward to.”


But social niceties aren’t enough to build true rapport, according to educators. To create more durable bonds with students, you need to nurture a rich dialogue over weeks and months, asking lots of questions and, crucially, following up to demonstrate authentic interest.

“I do a quick ‘question of the day,’” said Beth Geuder Calhoun. “Sometimes a silly question, sometimes a more serious question such as ‘What do you like about yourself?’” Other teachers took a less structured approach, touching base periodically to ask about upcoming events, siblings, cherished pets, birthdays, and student passions. The key, though, lies in actually “remembering little things about their life and then asking about it a few days/weeks later,” according to Andi Brier Morrison. Check in on a pet’s health or a recent school event they participated in, for example, or send a note home to acknowledge a life-changing event in the family.

To manage that with dozens or even hundreds of students, it’s OK to “cheat,” wrote educator Sir Mr. Shoe, drawing lots of virtual love from in-the-know educators. “Any time I hear anything interesting, I set an alarm for a class in the following week. So on Tuesday, shortly after my phone beeps, ‘Mary’ will be asked how yesterday’s ballet competition went.” Notes tucked away in your scheduler or calendar should work as well.


Sometimes, of course, kids experience life events that are hard to talk about, and identifying students at that critical juncture may be the difference between progress and a lost year.

When problems arise, start conversations about discipline with the question “Are you OK?” suggested lzcoop, and make time to “read their assignments carefully; they often give you clues,” added Susan Jane Craine Long, a retired teacher from Illinois, before suggesting a more proactive approach: “My students wrote in journals at the beginning of each day. I told them that I would not read everything, but if there was something they really wanted me to read, they were to turn down the corner of the page.”


When you know your kids, you can adjust your curriculum to match student interests, provide alternative assessment options for kids based on preference, and do a better job differentiating at the individual level.

“Have a two-minute convo with each kid regularly. Ask: how are things going in their lives, what challenges are they facing?” said user sksciteacher, and then “incorporate their culture and language in class.” You can also try surveys to gather student concerns more systematically, according to middle school educator prayer and pedagogy: “I do student surveys every nine weeks, and when I implement stuff from their feedback, I let them know I’m doing this because I heard them and they matter to me.”

By turning social insights into a tool to “build and mold your lessons and classroom environment around student interest,” educators reinforce a culture of safety and inclusivity “where students see themselves represented,” said teacher Amanda Michelle.


Like any institution, schools can inadvertently reinforce artificial or arbitrary power structures, leading to environments that feel sterile, uninviting, or even hostile.

Subtle adjustments in perspective can communicate respect to students and humanize classrooms. Versions of the phrase “treat them like real people”—including “talk to them like humans” and “treat them as a person first, student second”—occurred dozens of times in the thread. The dynamic should work both ways: Students need permission to “access teachers as a person,” according to Kristen Yancey, and simple gestures like saying you’re sorry or sharing personal stories, as appropriate, can make a real difference: “I share my mistakes, my dumb decisions, my failures—and explain how that all led to where I am now. I fight to be human to them,” explained user Joy Joy.

Meanwhile, opening classrooms to student input and giving them meaningful roles signals that kids are valued co-owners of the learning space. Educators insist this is true across grade levels: In elementary school, Sue Silva’s kids take charge of simple things like “raising the blinds, watering the plants, or straightening up the art supplies”; in Laura Bradley’s middle school design lab, experienced students who are asked to help struggling ones “never say no, and walk back to their seat a little taller”; and you can “give students jobs in the classroom at the high school level so they feel integral to the community,” according to Lisa Marie.


It’s taboo in a lot of schools, but it really shouldn’t be. Years ago, when I taught high school English and history, I would sometimes read the room and call it a day five minutes before the period ended. We’d just talk and joke around before the bell sent everyone scurrying. I think we all benefited from that decision—and I think the next day’s lesson went more smoothly.

I’m not alone. Educator Jennifer Crutcher insisted that she is “real” with her students. “Some days I feel the room and know we aren’t going to get as deep into content as I want to, and I tell them that it’s OK.” Another teacher put it a little more colorfully: Sometimes you have to assess everyone’s body language and say “screw the lesson.” Teachers need to be able to exercise that kind of discretion, within reason, without second-guessing from other teachers or the administration.


10 Things Teachers Do Daily That Go Unnoticed

1. Helping both inside and outside of school.

It doesn’t matter whether they are at the grocery store, at a sporting event, or pumping gas. They inevitably talk to parents and students outside of school. Jordan’s mom will spot them in the produce section, and take it as the perfect opportunity to ask about her son’s lower-than-usual grades. Teaching is a job you can never really escape.

2. Planning and grading “off the clock”.

They plan far more than their planning period allows them to. There is truly a never-ending list of ideas running through their minds, always evolving and growing even when they don’t realize they’re doing it.

3. Counseling and guiding on top of teaching.

Each day, they’re faced with both large and small issues that they weren’t adequately prepared for through college courses and teacher handbooks. Some days, they’ll counsel a boy who lost their snack money on the bus; other days, they’ll counsel a girl who’s having trouble making friends.

4. Modeling behavior and setting the example.

This one could be described as part of the job description, but it’s far more than that. They take pride in being a person their students look up to, or even aspire to be like. They spend every moment of every day knowing that students are watching them, and they always make sure to give them a positive influence.

5. Creating and innovating new ways to reach and engage each and every student.

More than creating lesson plans, they are quick to create whatever materials they need. They are resourceful when it comes to getting what they need, and they are not afraid to use their imagination. Students love when the materials used in class are homemade, and they love it when they’re included in the creation process. Teachers are hands down some of the most creative people.

6. Helping far more than just the students.

They help other teachers who are in need, no matter whether it means spending their own precious time to alleviate their burden. They help their students in every way possible; sometimes that means a helping hand at their locker, and sometimes that means slipping them some food to take home right before they get on the bus.

7. Trouble-shooting technology.

SO MUCH TECHNOLOGY. It isn’t their area of expertise. They don’t have a degree in computer engineering. They don’t always understand it all, yet they have to learn to coexist with it. Unreliable WiFi, computer software hiccups, and smartboard malfunctions are just a few of the many technology-related issues they face far too often—always conveniently right in the middle of a lesson.

8. Keeping the chaos somehow organized.

Before they can do anything, they must have a system. This system doesn’t come easy, though; it takes time, effort, and patience to keep their classrooms, their students’ efforts, and their own thoughts organized among the chaos of the school day.

9. Doing the “little things” that have big impacts on their kids’ lives.

They compliment one student on her nice coat as she enters the classroom, and they offer to tie another’s shoes. They look for the lost ruler and they listen to the song they wrote. They do the little things throughout the day that, to their students, truly add up.

10. Speaking life into their students.

Along with teaching, they motivate and encourage. They speak positive affirmations; they are often the voice saying, “you can do this”.

Teachers don’t take any little thing lightly, regardless of whether it will be noticed, or not. They’ll do it anyway—because they’re teachers, and it’s less about what it costs them, and more about the lives they change.


20 Questions You’ll Be Asked in Any Teaching Interview

1. Tell us about yourself.

This question doesn’t obligate you to reveal personal information. In fact, it’s probably just a way for the hiring committee to assess your communication skills. If you’ve given some thought to the things you want to share about yourself (so that you don’t ramble or overshare), this question is a great way to set a warm, positive tone for the teaching interview.

2. What are some of your most successful classroom management techniques?

Keep it simple. Talk about things like using equity sticks, establishing consistent routines, or creating a class contract. You don’t have to prove that you have mastered all aspects of student behavior, only that you use thoughtful techniques to keep things running smoothly.

3. How do you handle difficult students?

Be familiar with the school’s disciplinary procedure and discuss how that would look in your classroom. Be sure to talk about setting clear expectations and boundaries and how you communicate these with students. Finally, talk about building positive relationships with students as a way of dealing with and minimizing behavioral issues.

4. How would you deal with a difficult/demanding parent?

Talk about strategies you have for keeping conversations with parents professional and amiable while still making your point. And be sure to mention documentation. Because when it comes to difficult parents, you definitely want a paper trail.

5. If I walked into your classroom on a typical day, what would I see going on?

As if there’s such a thing as a typical day! Talk about your routine—the types of bell ringers you use, how you introduce a new lesson, how you monitor independent or group work, and how you assess learning. When answering this question, it’s a good idea to throw in a few “typical” buzzwords.

6. What do you look for in a colleague?

This can be a tricky one because what admin wants to know is if you will be a team player and positive addition to the faculty. But what the other teachers on the committee want to know is if you’ll be a fun teacher friend! So, try to sound positive and professional but at the same time, like you are totally down with cracking jokes during a faculty meeting.

7. How have you used data and/or research to inform your teaching?

You could show your commitment to research by explaining that (based on the research) you will be bringing back nap time, offering more recess, and providing lots of time for independent reading, but that probably isn’t the answer that will land you the job. Still, it isn’t crucial that you’ve spent hours poring over data to answer this question. If you haven’t, simply talk about how you have used data informally with things like exit tickets or formative assessments.

8. How do you feel about evaluations? What do you consider a successful evaluation?

Again, honesty is a good policy here. No one loves being evaluated, and it’s okay to admit that (especially if there are other teachers on the hiring committee who probably also don’t love being evaluated)/ Just be sure to point out that you do recognize the value of the process, and try to share about a time when you did receive helpful or encouraging feedback.

9. How will you approach ______ grade/subject differently than ______ grade/subject?

If you have the opportunity, talk to a teacher who teaches in the grade or subject you are applying for so that you have a good handle on the differences between say, 3rd graders and 6th graders or between what’s expected in a science classroom versus a social studies classroom.

10. What is your greatest strength as a teacher? What is your greatest weakness?

If you are on good terms with your current administrator or supervising teacher, this is an excellent question to ask them in preparation for a teaching interview. And it’s not a bad idea to let the hiring committee know that you asked this of your last supervisor. It shows you are self-reflective and open to criticism.

11. Why are you passionate about ______? How would I know if I observed your class?

This is actually a really fun question, because if you love literature or history or science, or if you are crazy about working with young children or middle schoolers or teenagers, you will naturally want to talk about it. Still, passion does not always equal eloquence, so be sure you’ve given this question some thought so that you can enthusiastically and clearly articulate your love for what you do.

12. How do you use technology in your classroom? Is there a technology you’d like to use but haven’t had the chance yet?

For techie teachers, this question is a no-brainer. For everyone else, take some time to brush up on technology trends and talk about the ones you are interested in implementing. You’ll sound informed and open-minded.

13. What extra-curricular activities would you be willing to be involved in?

To be clear, “I don’t have time to take on extra duties right now,” is a legitimate answer. Coaching cheerleading or sponsoring the Key Club should not be determining qualifications for a professional educator. That said, if it comes down to two well-qualified teachers and only one is willing to take on extra duties, most schools will go with the teacher who can fill other necessary roles.

14. How do you feel about [insert whatever education technique the school is focusing on]?

If possible find out what this particular administration feels are “best practices” and educate yourself on those. In fact, it might be a good idea to brush up on a variety of buzzwords  just to cover your bases. These could be anything from co-teaching to block scheduling to inquiry-based learning – and more!

15. Describe some successful differentiation strategies that you have used.

How have you differentiated for English Language learners and students with an IEP? What about gifted students or students with special interests? How have you modified your teaching to meet the needs of various learning styles and preferences? How have you been all things to all people and managed to document all the ways you have been all things to all people with rigor and equity? Piece of cake!

16. Talk about a professional development book or training that has improved your teaching.

If you haven’t read a PD book in a while, here are some great options!Knowing a great PD book and pursuing growth in your practice will really stand out in a teaching interview.

17. What is the last book you read?

Even if you aren’t a literacy teacher, this question is likely to come up. Knowing what you read, will help fill in the blanks on some questions the hiring committee might not be able to ask. And if you say you’re not a reader or that you haven’t read a book for pleasure in years, that will also tell them something about you.

18. How do you prepare students for standardized tests?

Pro-tip: This is probably not a good time to talk about how you really feel about standardized testing—unless of course, you love it. Instead, talk about keeping up with essential standards, and throw in a few test-taking strategiesyou have used or hope to use.

19. What are some ways you build relationships with your students?

Any school worth working for is going to want to know this. If the only questions they have are about things like data and testing strategies, you might want to keep looking.

What is your classroom/teaching statement?

A teaching statement is usually a brief essay and is often a requirement for an education degree. But for the purpose of an interview, it should be a succinct personal statement about your educational philosophy and how that philosophy shapes your teaching. What is the purpose of education? Do you have an end goal? What are the best strategies for educating children and inspiring them as learners? How do you create an engaging, equitable learning environment?  If you have never reflected on these questions, now would be a good time to do that.

When it comes to a teaching interview, there’s no way to be prepared for any and all possible questions. But these commonly asked ones will definitely give you a leg up. Good luck, and may the odds be ever in your favor!


15 Reasons Why the Teacher Just Quit

1. Lack of support staff

We need and love our support staff. They are leaving for the same reasons we are, and this makes our jobs harder. We now must clean our rooms ourselves if we are short custodians. We must sub on our prep time because there are no subs. And forget about added assistance from aides in the classroom because there are none.

2. Work/Personal life imbalance

Who has the energy for a personal life? We don’t have time to date or help our children with their homework with the work demands of grading, planning, and responding to parents.

3. Administration that has lost themselves

As soon as the administration promotion comes through, they forget what it was like to be a teacher. The newly acquired power erases all memories of the struggles they encountered as teachers. Observations often feel like personal attacks instead of support.

4. Changing programs

We just started getting good at the existing math and reading programs. We have it all organized and extra materials created and then……. Time to change. Let’s spend countless hours unpacking and learning something unnecessary all over again.

5. Out-of-control students

Our students are suffering mentally and taking it out on us. Our classrooms have become unsafe, and we are discouraged and reprimanded when we send kids to the office for discipline or counseling.

6. Parents demonizing teachers

There are absolutely amazing and supportive parents. Then, there are the ones that think their children being distracted by their cell phones is our fault. We are called babysitters on social media and routinely criticized for everything that is wrong with education.

7. Covid concerns

Covid has been the breaking point for many that have contemplated leaving their classrooms behind. They are now doing just that.

8. Health care premiums on the rise

Health care costs have gone up faster than teacher salaries: this means we take a pay cut. Teachers are paying nearly 1500 more a year compared to ten years ago. This comes at a time when we need affordable, quality health care more than ever.

9. Quality of life

With rents and house prices on the rise again, teachers sometimes must work multiple jobs. Yes, we didn’t get into it for the money, but pay us a living wage for goodness sake. We do have advanced college degrees.

10. Lack of support for new teachers

This is the toughest time in education history to be a new teacher. As veteran teachers retire early, more new inexperienced teachers are being thrown into impossible situations without support or mentors. We need to do better.

11. Developmentally inappropriate standards

In the ’70s, kindergarteners were learning how to write their letters in a single school year, now we are expecting complete narratives out of them. Standardized testing questions are written so confusingly that teachers cannot even understand what they are asking.

12. Bloom before Maslow

Teachers are fed up with testing being crammed down the throats of students who are not mentally and physically healthy. The social and emotional needs of students are given mere lip service while doing well on meaningless tests continue to be at the forefront of the minds of people in charge of our schools.

13. Being held responsible for a student’s failure

We do our absolute best to ensure that a student is learning. But, some students refuse any and every type of assistance we offer. When these students fail, we hear, “You didn’t do enough.”

14. Politics before people

Common Core, NCLB, ESSA, and countless other failing government mandates have been forced upon us to improve education. And let’s implement all of them without asking the teachers what they think. How’s that been working?

15. Overwhelming stress

According to the Rand study, stress is the leading reason why teachers leave education. Every job has stress, but not every profession feels the weight of entire communities on their shoulders while people that can help look the other way.

What would help?

That tempered glass foundation that we speak of is respect, strong supportive leadership, positive climate, value, and adequate compensation. That will be strong enough to hold us.

Without this durable base, we are absolute goners.
