Category Archives: blogs

Getting better

Since I got COVID, things seem no stop! I need to drink chicken essence every day. After conflicts with Rebecca, I had a hard time. In addition, I fall down last Friday, and therefore, I can’t wash my hair; I went for exercise and my spine hurt. I need the injection and rehabilitation. I was really worried that, due to my illness, it will be very difficult for me to walk on stage.

Yesterday, I finished teaching math and KB. I felt a great release! Today, we will have a final rehearsal for tomorrow’s graduation ceremony. Then, we will have a period of English and done. Although I still need to work next Monday for kindergarten, I feel like I just need to be natural and as time goes on, it will be alright.

Tough it out & Get rid of her

Unfortunately, I had a very poor relationship with R. She suddenly changed her attitude. She usually blames me in front of kids or does it with external meaning. (指桑罵槐實屬儒夫行為) Also, she checked with the kids and called the parents without checking with me. It seems like our interaction just maintains for the sake of not breaking up superficially. I just wanna get it through and get rid of her ASAP. I learned to be preserved and prevent myself from the fake people. (防小人)All she did was trying to make me feel bad for myself or for what I did. I hate playing this terrible game! 人還是要單純善良!

Our Reunion

After the Culture Day, I suddenly decided to go back to Kaohsiung. First, it is because Huan told me he doesn’t know when our next reunion will be after his job hunting. Second, I feel it’s been a while since 6 weeks ago, I don’t have a chance to kiss Machi. Therefore, I went back to Kaohsiung last morning. We had a good time. Grace and I talked a lot. I was surprised that she even noticed it’s meaningful in my code-switching. Honestly, there’s no dominant language in my brain. Whichever comes first serves to be my discourse. Also, when there’s not precise enough in my expression, I tend to switch my language. It seems when I speak in English, I tend to be more open-minded, straightforward, and expressive. That’s why I learned to say thank you and I love you in English first. Besides, do I have high expectations about my boyfriend or Mr. White? I don’t think so, but Grace listed some conditions for me.

  • Someone must have good English without further translation. — If the population of the pool is people in Taiwan, yes. The average English level in Taiwan is mediocre.
  • Someone has his specialty. For instance, he must master a specific field. — Yes, I admire people who choose what they like, like what they do.
  • Someone must have a good attitude like working hard and perseverance. — Definitely.
  • Being rich is not necessary. — Yes, I prefer financially independent.

In addition, I realized that maybe because I become a teacher, Grace is proud of me. We had a lot to share with each other. I deeply feel that I was beloved. I did enjoy the time and that kind of feeling was beyond words.

This morning, I went to Grandma’s house. Grandma gets old and Grandpa didn’t say anything except called my name and showed a smiling face. My dad told me once Grandpa told him that he dreamed that I married a principal’s son. This was funny. it also showed that they are happy that I become a teacher and Grandpa concerns about my marriage.

Cultural Day Achieved & Kaohsiung

Recently I did not get along with Rebecca well. She started giving the kids corporal punishment. Although by definition, corporal punishment is defined as “more than 3 minimum of standing as a consequence”seems to be too rigid, as the only adult who stays in the classroom, I am really not comfortable hearing her explicitly saying, “If you do something again, you need to stand there as punishment.” For her, it is not even the concept of “timeout”. It is some method to thread the kids to listen to her.

However, with R’s help, I finally achieved Culture Day. We finished the display and the performance. What a big relief! I met some parents last night. They were all happy. That’s what I wanted to see. In this way, I am no longer threatened by Rebecca. At least, I can complete my duty as a kindergarten FT homeroom at the end of this July. I decided to rush back to Kaohsiung to meet Grace and Huan just for the reunion. Besides, I can kiss Machi and love him for these 1.5 days.

On the other hand, the good is Sally and Julia are accepted into the public school system. Also, a lot of people got accepted, so my teacher friends almost left there. However, Sally said that no matter what, the DNA belonging to I-Shou will stay alive all the time!