Category Archives: blogs

Reunion with Michael

Michael is the key man who referred me to TCNJ. I have to say, without all these supporters, especially Grace who taught me the multimedia skill sets, and Michael who convinced me to pursue my teaching certificate and M.Ed.

We met at Cafe Strada, his favorite place, enjoying our reunion. I missed him and the good old days at IIS. I sincerely expressed my gratitude and we hugged each other. Originally, he thought I was going to ask for help. He promised me he would try his best to help me become a licensed teacher. This is true friendship. He is happy for me. As I am just about to start the new chapter of my life, I want to say THANKS, Michael! Thank you & I love you. Although sometimes you gave me the tough love and asked me to put my feet down and stand firm for myself, I am still thankful for what you did. I think it was just people handled things differently.

Dear Students, Here’s Why You Should Go Visit Your Former Teachers

I do absolutely agree with this. My dear students, do come back to visit when you have time and keep in touch.

Dear grown-up students,

I hope this letter finds you well, and I know that sounds like it’s just a standard, generic greeting, but I actually mean it. I mean I really, really mean it. If you were ever in my class–whether you were an academic all-star or a struggling slacker, a model of politeness and respect or a frequent flyer to the principal’s office–I hope your life is good. I hope you are successful and happy and using reflexive pronouns correctly.

If you were ever in my class, I also hope you’ll visit sometime. Let me see how you’ve grown!  How school is going for you now? Tell me about your plans and goals. Or maybe it has been longer than that since I’ve seen you. Maybe you’re all grown up. Even if it has been years, stop by. Tell me what you did after high school or about your job. Show me pictures of your kids. This isn’t just idle curiosity or making small talk. Because if you were ever in my class, I genuinely care about how your life is going.

And it’s not just me. This is probably true for most of your teachers. Maybe, as I encouraged so many of you, you are planning to be a teacher yourself or you are one already. In that case, you know what I’m talking about. If not, you might find it hard to believe that someone you haven’t seen in such a long time cares about your life. But for most of us, that‘s just part of the job. Your teachers didn’t just invest in your education–teaching you math or science or writing skills. We invested in you. We taught and lectured and corrected and advised because we wanted so much more for you than just what was on the syllabus or listed in our standards.

If you were ever in my class, maybe you thought I was too strict and too particular. Maybe you got tired of me correcting your grammar, insisting you make eye contact, or calling you out for making excuses. Maybe you couldn’t wait to get out of my class. Stop by anyway.

No matter how silly my rules seemed at the time, that wasn’t just fussy teacher stuff–that was me wanting good things for you, wanting you to be prepared for life in the real world. Are you? Did what you learned in my class and at our school help you become the person you wanted to be?

To be honest, if you visit, I might not remember right away the person you wanted to be. I might have forgotten your goals and plans. I might even have forgotten your name. But I want you to stop by anyway. Refresh my memory. Because even if the details have escaped me, I will remember you, and I have not stopped caring about you.

If you were ever in my class, come visit me sometime. Stop by my classroom. Sit in your old seat–or better yet pull up a chair at my desk, and let’s swap stories and reminisce about the good times. Because if you were in my class, even if you were a real troublemaker and you thought I was a real pain, I bet we had some fun too. Maybe I wasn’t your favorite teacher. Maybe you didn’t even like me. It’s possible I didn’t always like you all that much either–after all, we both know kids can be real jerks. But please know that if I got mad at you for sleeping in class, I was also worried about whether or not everything was okay at home. If I called you out for your attitude, I was trying to teach you how to get along with others. And if I scolded you for talking too much…well, my teachers scolded me for that a lot too, so no hard feelings. Whatever your experience in my class and however we felt about each other back then, I did and do want the best for you now.

If you were ever in my class, I hope this letter finds you in the middle of a life that is meaningful and satisfying and free of errors in grammar and spelling. Whatever the case, please consider this letter an open invitation to visit my room or to send me an email. I’d love to hear from you.

All my best,

Your former teacher


Grace’s office door

My mom asked me some questions. One of the questions I referred to Grace was, “Why did you put the Rabbit on your door beside your self-portrait?” Actually, I was also curious about this….

I always feel so warm and sweet about her messages. The interaction between us has become the motivation for me to move on. Honestly, I just think that I need to be responsible for my life and all her energy and efforts will not be in vain. Instead, the process all along the way is meaningful and worthwhile which makes me who I am today.

Reunion with Grace

I was so excited about the reunion with Grace since she is definitely one of the important participants in different chapters of my life. I have to say that I did enjoy the time we spent together. My dream comes true that I finally become a fully pledged licensed elementary teacher now. Without her help, support, and encouragement, I wouldn’t become who I am today. She believed in me when I didn’t believe in myself. Luckily, when both of us looked back, the process of conducting the multimedia project was absolutely worthwhile and meaningful.

She gave me the gift for the milestone in my life. She was so touched reading the handout booklet made 15 years ago. Also, I am currently still the only student who had her work until 12 midnight; no one has broken my record yet. I have to say I am super lucky to have such a supportive teacher in my life. As she texted me back, she always said that to have taught you is God’s best present in my life. I am really thankful. I am beloved and blessed.

Parents, Before We Blame Teachers, Let’s Take a Look at Ourselves

As it is at the end of the semester, I submitted the final scores. The lowest score I gave to a P4 kid is 7 out of 2. I am a bit concerned that parents will attack me for giving the kids low scores. However, I think it is fair to those students who work hard and perform well. On the other hand, I am waiting for the final results of my job hunting. I hope there will be good results during these two days.

Like peanut butter and jelly, chocolate and peanut butter, peanut butter and…basically anything, parents and teachers make a good team. It’s no secret that a solid partnership between home and school begets positive results for learners. Support from both school staff and caregivers means increased academic achievement, more consistent attendance, and better behavior. It’s true: parents and teachers, we’re just better together. Can I get that on a t-shirt?

Then why oh why are more and more parents coming at teachers’ proverbial necks these days? Maybe because it’s easier to point the finger than be personally accountable. Perhaps because finding a scapegoat is much less work than that of self-reflection and exacting change. Whatever the reason, this fall guy approach is not an effective means of handling academic conflict. Hey parents, I think it’s time for a change and here’s how we can make it happen.

1. Listen before attacking 

Instead of firing off that angry and disrespectful email, how about we schedule a call or meeting to discuss our concerns with the teacher? There are two sides to every story, the truth residing somewhere in the middle. If we’re only listening to our kid’s version, we’re certainly not equipped with enough information to form an opinion, let alone threaten a teacher’s job or insult their intelligence. So whatever the conflict—grades, he-said-she-said confusion, academic dishonesty—let’s do a better job of listening beforespeaking. Or emailing.

2. If our kid is acting like an A-hole, we need to own it

What if instead of making excuses for our child’s behavior, we enacted some consequences for it? Yeah, it sucks taking away their devices (it’s like punishing ourselves, amirite?!), but if we don’t nip their bad ‘tudes in the bud now, it’ll only get worse. Hear me out: instead of grounding our kids, we could spend more time with them. Life is crazy busy right now, not to mentiona little scary with the whole pandemic thing and all. Maybe our kids are extra mouthy because they’re extra stressed. Whatever approach we choose, it’s our responsibility to address the unacceptable behavior and have a zero-tolerance policy for it in the classroom.

3. Let’s back off and let our kids do the hard things 

Remember how we felt when we realized our little one had been tying his shoes at daycare, but refusing to do it at home? There were certain expectations at daycare, created to ensure children master certain skills, and our sweet baby understood it was his responsibility to meet those expectations. The same is true at school. Barring any sort of legitimate learning disability, there’s no reason our kids shouldn’t be expected to follow rules and be held to high academic standards. Sure, it’s hard and sometimes inconvenient, but what are we saying every time we fight to bend an eligibility rule? When we advocate to lower the bar and make the test easier? Or when we swoop in and do their science project for them?! We’re essentially telling our children we don’t believe they can do it. It may not feel like it at the time—it probably feels like we’re helping, lessening their stress. Listen, I know no one likes to see their kid struggle, which is why we lash out at the teachers, our perceived source of said struggle. But the truth is, our constant intercession is only hurting our children. Our kids can do hard things, unless we don’t give them the freedom to fail sometimes. Let them tie their own shoes.

4. They’re learning more by watching us than listening to us

There have been many ‘a day over the past year that I’ve not been my…ahem…best self. Like many other working parents, I’m barely holding my head above water. But at the end of the day, my children are my responsibility, and it’s my job to teach them good manners, a solid work ethic, and conflict resolution skills that won’t get them arrested. I sometimes forget they’re learning more by watching me than listening to me. In that regard, I’m not always successful (though I’ve yet to be arrested, so SCORE!), but when I do slip up, I understand the importance of acknowledging my mistake. We’ve all been there, inclined to bad-mouth teachers, criticize how they manage their classrooms, or even go off on a social media rampage. In the event we do succumb to those big feelings, our kids need to see us apologize and do better next time. If we don’t model humility and accountability for our children, who will?

5. Ask for help

Anyone who says parenting is easy is the lying-est liar to ever lie. But instead of taking out our frustrations on teachers, let’s ask them for help. Neither parents nor teachers are alone in the journey to educate our children. It’s important to form an allyship with everyone associated with our kids’ education; there’s no shame in requesting the support of guidance counselors, trusting the expertise of teachers, opening lines of communication with administrators, or demanding our village of friends and family help with that damn math homework OMG I am tapped out. Having a support system in place doesn’t make parents weak; it makes us smart. And it helps us to act more human, which I hear teachers appreciate.

The late, great Maya Angelou believed we can “…tell a lot about a person by the way (s)he handles these three things: a rainy day, lost luggage, and tangled Christmas tree lights.” I’d like to add “works with our kids’ teachers” to the list. Mostly because it’s important that all stakeholders—especially parents—invest in a partnership with educators, but also because I’d hate to be judged by the way I handle tangled lights.
