Category Archives: blogs

Difficult crazy work days in Ritz

As I am in charge of ESL academic section, I am the host of the speech contest. During this week, we finally finished the semifinal. I have to say that sometimes honesty and being brave to SAY NO are critical. I am exhausted. I had to sub, cover the people who are complaining and “too busy”, and serve coffee to colleges… I hosted the speech contest from period 4 to period 9 and had my class for period 10. This means, I literally worked from period 4 to period 10. It was 8 periods in total. (He promised me the same situation would NOT happen again, but…see?)

I was willing to renew my contract with the school with only one request that I would like to purely teach but not work as an admin teacher. However, the CEO strongly disagreed with my thoughts and I felt disrespected. No one talked to me privately, but she just publically mentioned it to me and refused my request in front of other people. Also, all my ex-bosses expressed concern and talked with me when a similar situation happened. He, or They, did NOTHING at all. Now, although I barely can’t find any teaching jobs around here, I still choose NOT to renew the contract. Honestly, I don’t know where to go, but I am sure if I renew the contract, I can’t fulfill it for a year, so I will be fined or sued.


  • People always find excuses and those who did so can skip their jobs all the time. (濫好人,慣壞懶人們)
  • Always being the backup (備胎)
  • Does Admin overweigh teaching (我懷疑,我是老師嗎?還是跟以前一樣是職員,矮老師一截?為什麼我要拜託她們?雜事一堆)
  • Exhaust and emotional damage (操到爆,身心俱疲,沒體力正常生活)
  • Not being treated as a teacher but as an assistant (我是助理還是老師?)
  • cannot find the balance between work and life (工作生活不平衡)
  • I am always the busiest person in the office. Others can sleep, read leaisure books, chat, message, and punch out at 5:03 pm. (勞逸不均,我操到累死,有人閒到睡覺)

Clam down and…?

The school is in the process of renewing the teachers’ contracts. However, since I often cannot afford the energy to function in my normal life, balancing work and life, I am hesitating.

Recently, we are hosting the speech contest semi-final and teachers in this school have lots of opinions and refuse to help due to different reasons. I feel so annoyed and frustrated. If this is because I am new, then 7 years ago, things in I-Shou should have been MUCH more difficult… Therefore, I think some teachers are so dared, mean, and not supportive. Also, the boss was part of the problem, too.

Well, recently, I accidentally found out a Jazz radio station, FM 97. A 24-7 Canada’s only jazz radio broadcaster and supported organization. Nice!

Some relaxed time

I am still busy but luckily, not as busy as 2 weeks ago. I got to learn the way to survive here. I tried to keep myself busy like everyone. (By the way, I think that most teachers sit in the front roles and back roles in the office are not as busy as us….) I always woder why and I think it is unfair. I also wanna a bit relaxed and not so busy. However, Since I keep myself busy, I got some ” flexible” time which I can write my blog. (The teachers sit in the front always read the leisure books or chatted in a more casual way.) I feel like we are NOT living in the same world. I was a bit jealous because as teachers, besides teaching, they don’t have to do anything else and no one really care or ask them to sub classes or do extra work. However, I am such a busy person in this school as a new teacher and a special assistent. Latter, I am going to have my 3A class, I hope this will be fine. I am actually looking forward to the tomb sweeping long weekend already.

Some Reflections

After I subbed 8 periods for 5 days in a row, I was exhausted. I bearly can wake up in the morning and apparently it affected my routine. Now after more than one week, I feel much better. These 2 days are 1st midterm for the kids. I got to proctor and support urgent matters. That’s life. I am still considering about renew the contract or not. Sometimes I am glad that my competency and ability have been recognized, but sometimes when I did too many admin jobs, I almost forgot that I AM A TEACHER. I feel like I am s special assistant to the school executives.

Something about Jessica and Grace… The other day, Jessica texted me and asked for a treat. Since I needed to go back to Taichung, I texted her that I will do it during the tomb-sweeping holidays. A few days ago, I texted her. She had a very weird conversation with me. I, thus, texted Grace about not mentioning anything I have done, such as dining at Teppanyaki restaurant and sending her the chicken essence. I trust her that she did not talk to anyone about my personal matters, but I really didn’t know why people wanna mentioned her and sort of comparing. Anyway, no matter what people said, Grace is always one of the most important supporters in my life who plays multiple roles as a teacher, a mentor, and a good friend of mine. I never and will never forget this. I become a “friendly” teacher because of the influence from her. I try to be warm, calm, and firm like her. These facts will never be changed. Also, I am hilarious that she told me that she is proud of me. This is an endorsement for me.

Recently, I have been trying to validate my identities. I think about who I am, why I would like to become a teacher, am I moving on the right track…. Luckily, I got a 7 out of 10, and I like my life in Taichung. However, I am still not sure if I renew the contract, I can fulfill it. This is why I am hesitating.

Then, I was always subbing for classes. Yesterday when I walked into the classroom, all the kids were so excited and extremely happy. (歡聲雷動) They told me their teacher was so MEAN and the first question they asked was ” Teacher, are you very 兇?” I was laughing with a mask covering my face. I do enjoy interacting with the kids. They even said Teacher, I am your “little chicken” and made some origami for me as gifts. Their actions were so cute! This is why I certainly don’t believe “talented students are trained by a strict teacher (嚴師出高徒)” and folk wisdom of “ beating means love, scolding means affection.” Never ever!!! Honestly, I, myself, am a totally opposite example.

10 Things That Magically Make Sick or Sad Students Feel Better

1. Hand students a wet paper towel

2. A special delivery makes any and all students feel better

Distraction is a great way to shift a student’s focus from how they feel. Asking that student to make a special delivery for you is a fun way to distract them. Keep a large manila envelope on hand with the words “Special Delivery” or “Top Secret” on the outside. The envelope can be empty, or it can be filled with blank paper, funny memes, or uplifting quotes. When a student needs a distraction, they can deliver the envelope to the school office or to another classroom. Chances are when they return, they’ll feel a lot better.

3. Give students stuffed animal cuddle time

A quick cuddle is a guaranteed way to comfort a student, but teachers don’t always have time to offer a cuddle. That’s where stuffed animals can make all the difference in your classroom. A box of furry friends will allow your students to seek comfort whenever they need it. As a bonus, giving students the independence to find solace independently will help them be better prepared to comfort themselves in the future.

4. Have them vent their emotions in a tattle book

A blank spiral notebook somewhere in the classroom gives students a chance to write down what’s bothering them. Many teachers spend too much time figuring out all the tattles after recess or specials, and a tattle book lets students air their concerns without the teacher having to give up instruction and learning time. Regular reading of the tattle book will also allow teachers to stay on top of genuine problems while also getting a good laugh about the things that don’t matter.

5. Use a timer for student breaks

Just like adults, sometimes all kids need is a few minutes to sit in a quiet place and take deep breaths. Keeping a few sand or digital timers handy in the classroom is an easy way to provide students with this time. When a student is upset about something, let them choose a timer and a quiet spot to breathe. After two or three minutes, they can quietly rejoin the rest of the class without causing a disruption. Chances are, they will return calm and ready to learn.

6. Pop a mint into their mouth

7. Give a compliment

8. Put a bit of music on

Kids love music, and tunes are a great way to bring a sense of calm into the classroom even if it’s just one child feeling poorly. There is nothing wrong with postponing your original lesson plan just to listen to some music for a couple minutes. It’s hard to feel sad when you’re dancing to an upbeat song and it’s hard to stay angry when listening to soothing instrumental music. Taking time to meet students where they are emotionally helps in the short term, but it also sends the message to the kids that you value their overall health and not just their education.

9. Pull out the stickers

It’s so exciting to see a sticker on a graded paper because kids love stickers. Be generous with your stickers and you’ll likely see a lot of smiles from your students. A sad or upset child can be instantly cheered by being allowed to choose a sticker to wear. A student complaining of a minor physical issue, such as itchy eyes or a scraped knee, might feel better at the distraction of selecting a sticker. For such a small amount of money, stickers are magical tools for all teachers.

10. Let students draw on the whiteboard

Most students love the chance to draw on the whiteboard and you can use that love to help kids deal with their emotions and feelings. Have students draw or write what’s bothering them and then erase it. The act of drawing or writing is calming and then erasing the problem is a good way to help students begin to move past what they are feeling. Small personal whiteboards are even better because students can keep their feelings private or can take the whiteboard to a quiet spot to work.
