Category Archives: blogs


Since I was so sick the last 2 nights. It went through the process of fever, normal, fever, and normal according to the medication effect. I felt so weird and since Grace’s coming, I did the COVID test. I am POSITIVE. My plan needs to change at all.

I can’t go back to Kaohsiung. Grace decided not to come. Although I don’t need a quartine, I feel terribly sick. I was expecting her coming and reserved a table in The Little New York. I hoped that we could enjoy quality time together. However, it turned out to be she asked me if I have things to eat, and do I go to a doctor. I texted Sally and Grace back and forth and just don’t want them to worry. All these check-ins are signals of concern. She told me to make good use of the opportunity to REST. When she told me she was upset about not coming, I realized that she is definitely a supporter in my life. Then, she decided to take the HSR back and forth between Kaohsiung and Taichung.

In addition, all of my other supporters think that my decision for Grace to come is insane. However, when I talked to her, I am sure that as I guessed, she is principled and she thinks it’s okay to stay with me as a friend. I think that she trusts me a lot. From this case, we know that the teacher-student relationships in Taiwan are rigid. Teachers are distant with students especially professors. They even asked me, ” If your professor sleeps with you, do you sleep well?” Haha, my intuition was just Grace is my supporter. I really did not think about too many details. Stephaine even told me so straightforwardly that she does not have this kind of experience so she can’t imagine that a professor can be a supporter in life. For her, processors are used to socializing, not real friends. Well, in my case, I am lucky to have Grace who really loves me, supports me, and helps me all along the way.

Water Park Day

It’s the first water park day after COVID. The kids were so excited about playing with water. They invited me to play with them. One of the boys said that his dad is going to get a water gun for him, so they can have fun. As an FT, I just wanna enjoy my time with kids, so I got a new T-shirt, sports shirt, and water gun. I hope we can have a wonderful memory before the Nemo class graduates.

What a big tragedy! I just went to the water park for 5 minutes and got soaked. The educational bureau came to audit. I was informed to escape… I was nearly naked and so wet. I needed to flee to the elementary library. Then, when I was informed to go back, the time was gone. I encountered a situation that I just had 5 minutes to enjoy and have fun with the kids. However, luckily, other FTs helped me and I borrowed the blow dryer. I blew dry my hair and finally could change my clothes. Now I got extremely tired!!! Also, R got a bit annoyed with me because I sent the kids without masks down to ask for masks. I didn’t know her purpose, so I feel it was an understanding… and we got cold in the interaction. I believe that she did not treat M in this way. They are more equal. (She seems to be in a higher position now… I just feel uncomfortable and tired. I don’t wanna do anything right now except take a nap.)

I was so sick until 9 pm. My temperature was 38.1. I take a sick leave and a mental health day just to calm down. Besides, I could go to notarization if my health situation allows. Now, I am worried about my fever and coughing might be scary for Grace because will be coming to stay with me on Sunday and Monday. Then, I got sick back to Kaohsiung. I can’t kiss Machi again….

Some Thoughts of Being a Happy Teacher

As I am really happy to become a kindy teacher in Nemo class, I decided to type my thoughts. I wanna keep this enjoyable moment. My kids always said, “Tr. Pei, I love you with a hug. When I was about to leave the classroom, kids hold my hands pulled my legs, and said, ” Tr. Pei, don’t go!” My answer was, ” I will see you tomorrow, I promise.” Once in the class discussion, kids told my CT, ” Tr. Pei is so sweet and caring.” Then, they asked me, “Tr. Pei, you are an elementary teacher, but you are not shouting. Why?” My reply was, “Do you want me to shout at you?” “I don’t wanna shout.” “I choose not to shout.” In my class, their reaction was “Tr. Pei, Tr. Pei, Tr. Pei”. (They enjoyed doing so, calling their teacher.) The most common sentence in my class was, ” Tr. Pei, I need your help. ” The napping time today, kids asked me, “Tr. Pei, can you sleep with me?” This was the sweetest thing I heard. I laughed…Then, R talked to the boy. I will sleep with you…Boy: No! R: …, so why could Tr. Pei sleep with you?

I do love my kids and I am lucky to have Rebecca as my partner who is also calm. We respect each other and she is willing to share her thoughts and experience. We believe in positive discipline and offer kids more opportunities. We value honesty. Our teaching philosophies are similar. We are cooperative. All these factors make me feel warm and all my efforts are worthwhile. ❤️ ❤️ ❤️ ❤️ ❤️ By the way, my teacher-student relationship was never so closed like this and I am happy to become such a friendly and welcoming teacher : ) In addition, teaching kindy needs to make learning fun and activities succinct and this is why class prep is necessary.

Some cute idioms:

  • easy peasy lemon squeezy
  • Okey Dokey
  • See you later, alligator
  • Take care, teddy bear
  • Chop Chop Lollipop

Before Grace’s Coming

Yesterday, I started to think about how to arrange things when Grace comes to stay with me. The AC is a bit ill-functioning with leaking water. I am considering whether we should sleep on the same bed or one of us should take the mattress and sleep on the floor. I called Stephanie, and she told me that I am insane. She can’t imagine that I agree that my teacher stays overnight with me. I asked Sally, and she said that if Grace is willing to sleep on the mattress, she could do it. I called Nina asking what’s the appropriate reaction. if Grace’s purpose is to save money, then I will need to cover almost all her expenses during the two days, like dining and other expenses. She said that it seems that Grace is weird to stay with me overnight as a teacher unless the “teacher-student” relationship is transformed into a “friend-friend” relationship. Then, why do I need to think that much? I called Julia, and she said that Grace is the guest, so no matter what, she will need to sleep on the bed. Besides, Grace is my teacher, so I should respect her as the elder. Anyway, I think that Grace is absolutely a “special teacher “ in my life and most importantly, she is one of my supporters. That’s why I am willing to let her stay with me, expecting her coming, and imagining that our interaction will be natural as usual. Maybe I overthought this issue. I will pay for the meals and enjoy my daily routine with Grace.

Recently, I have better relationship with my parents. I asked my mom, ” If Grace wants to stay overnight with me in Taichung due to a workshop, what do you think?” My mom’s answer surprised me. She said that she has no concerns if both of us, Grace and I, agree. Besides, she kept asking me how far the distance is from my house to Chung Hsing University. I further asked, “What do you think about Grace’s purpose in asking me for staying overnights?” My mom’s answer was, “She asked because she thinks it’s okay. She is not the kind of person who will ask if she doesn’t think it’s okay. (In other words, she is principled.) I feel much more stable now. I guessed almost all my supporters were so shocked previously because none of them have such a durable relationship with their teachers, and/or more precisely “professors”. This means I should CHERISH this SPECIAL moment we spend together.


As we have 4 days of Dragon Boat Festival long weekend, I finally toughed it out and can be relaxed a little. I went shopping yesterday and stayed in Elite Bookstore enjoying my free time. It was a wonderful time that I was eager for a while since I worked as a BUSY admin and an unhappy teacher. Since I moved to kindergarten, things get better and I love my kids. I spent all day here working on preparing materials for Culture Day for my kids. I am satisfied. I really enjoy my current life. Although sometimes I am still feeling tired, I am a HAPPY TEACHER : )

Shout out to ALL the teachers!!!

There are few reasons that I become a happy teacher.

  1. This explains that teachers are supporters, helpers, and facilitators.
  2. I am enchanted by my students’ love ❤️. My kids always told me, ” Tr. Pei, I love you! Hug”
  3. Teachers are lifelong learners. We keep learning, reflecting, and modifying.
  4. Teachers need “No Matter What” teacher friends, and I am lucky to have my ‘work friends’ turn into true friends with durable friendships.