Category Archives: blogs


I have been interviewed and made my teaching demo for different schools. It is pending now. All I need is to WAIT for the results. My only concern is that I can find a school that fits my teaching philosophy and I can stay in Taichung.

By the way, I am going to print P4 science summative assessment tomorrow. I am not sure some of the kids will do it well, especially Abby who is lack learning motivation. I need her science booklet to grade and give the final total score. I hope that she will complete it and submit it to me.

I Didn’t Do Any Work Over Break and I Have Absolutely Zero Teacher Guilt

It is the New Year long weekend here in Taiwan. I apparently did nothing.

I did nothing over spring break. Well, nothing productive anyway. I didn’t grade a single assignment. There was no slaving over lesson plans or answering emails. My time wasn’t spent folding laundry, organizing my closets, or cooking elaborate meals either. This was not a productive break. I caught up on Netflix, spent time with my loved ones, played games on my phone, and napped a whole bunch. And I don’t feel an ounce of teacher guilt.

My family deserves my time.

I’ve already given way more than should be expected this school year.

My body needed to recover.

It’s called a “break” for a reason.


Job hunting anxiety

Since my grades have been posted, I started hunting for jobs. I wanna base in Taichung. However, I really don’t want to move. I am familiar with the environment around here. I am okay with the current living standard. I think that it is convenient. However, the vacancies are in the North and the West parts of Taichung.

For some reasons, I really need a job in Taichung no matter the role is a Homeroom or subject teacher. I will use the long weekend holidays to explore the west and north part areas. The worst case is that I go back to Kaohsiung and hunt a job there.

If you read through my post, please put me in your prayer. I need positive vibes and good luck.

The satisfaction of a teacher

Now, Besides teaching P4 science, after the bureau visiting, I was often asked to sub classes. I taught P1 math, language, and SEL. I was asked to sub multiple homerooms and even teach P5 math which might be a challenge for me because I never taught higher-grade math and the class is tough.

On the contrary, I have positive relationships with students. They love to “stick on”me, such as sitting on my tights, holding my hands, and calling me happily. I really enjoy my current teacher-student relationships. My initial idea was to accompany kids to walk through part of their learning journey. That’s the reason I wanna become a licensed teacher.

By the way, we asked kids to use an adjective to describe every member of the class. When it comes to my turn, they said “Tr. Pei-Hsuan is caring and playful.” I am hilarious.