Author Archives: Pei-Hsuan Lin

About Pei-Hsuan Lin

An enthusiastic k-12 educator, a life-long learner, and a team player who loves to walk students through their learning journey.

An accident happened…

Yesterday, a student got a bone fracture on her finger when playing house sports. A student told me that his sister got COVID-19, but he tested negative. Thus, his dad sent him to the school. Then this morning, we had been informed that all students and teachers need to go home under the MOE policy because we got along with the kid. Now, we are waiting for the lunchbox to be delivered and the parents to pick up all the kids. I strongly hope that I am healthy because I closely got in touch with that kid who got COVID. Now, if you read my post, please put me in your prayers. I need more positive vibes and luck. No more COVID!

25 Classroom Jobs That Promote Kindness & Responsibility AND Lessen Your Workload

1. Kindness catcher

This student keeps an eye out for acts of kindness. They then write a quick note about the act on a post-it note and stick it in a designated spot on the wall or bulletin board. 

2. Greeter

The greeter arrives to class first and greets everyone by name as they arrive. 

3. Birthday manager

This student keeps track of classmates’ birthdays and checks to see if they want it publicly acknowledged or not. If they pass, the birthday manager discretely gives them a card on their special day. 

4. Inspirational quote writer

This person is in charge of writing an inspirational quote or message on the board each morning. 

5. Maintenance

Sink leaking? Desk wobbly? The classroom maintenance person acts as your liaison with the staff member in charge of maintenance.

6. Paper person

This person is in charge of all things to do with paper – passing it out, collecting it, stapling, hole punching, filing, etc.

7. Errand runner

The errand runner is your delivery and pickup person. They can also walk sick students to the nurse. 

8. Absent student support

This person checks in with students when they return from an absence to make sure they know what was missed and are aware of upcoming assignments. They also send an encouraging message to students who are out for more than two days.

9. Homework and form helper

Students go to this person when they are missing printed assignments or forms instead of you.

10. Materials manager

The materials manager keeps materials organized. They also make a list of what needs to be replaced or replenished. 

11. Germ patrol

Also known as hand sanitizer squirter. This person stands at the classroom door squirting hand sanitizer to those who pass. They also make sure tissues and soap are replenished. 

12. Encourager

This person pays attention to their classmates and offers words of encouragement to those who need it, either verbally or through a quick note. 

13. Announcements

Put someone else in charge of reminders and announcements at the start of class. 

14. Pencil Patrol

This person keeps pencils sharpened, checks them out to students and then collects them at the end of class. 

15. Bulletin board team

A few students can be on this committee to help keep bulletin boards updated and maintained.  

16. Name chaser

This person looks over papers to make sure they have a name on them, then finds the owner if a name is missing.  

17. Door person

It’s distracting to stop teaching every time someone comes to your door. The door person handles it for you, taking messages and interrupting your lesson only as needed. 

18. Positivity spreader

Your classroom is a positive, supportive and encouraging place to be, so why not spread it to the rest of the school? This person acts as an ambassador outside of your classroom to post notes of positivity on bulletin boards.

19. Tech suppor

Duties include setting up technology and making sure equipment is charged. 

20. Desk and counter wiper

It’s not the most glamorous job, but keeping surfaces clean is an important part of a healthy classroom. 

21. Librarian

The librarian makes sure books are put away correctly. They also monitor their condition, taping ripped covers as needed. 

22. Info seeker

Sometimes a question comes up that you just don’t have the answer to. This person has the teacher’s permission during these times to research the info and report to the class. 

23. Gardener

This person is in charge of watering classroom plants.

24. Substitute worker

Students with jobs are still going to be absent. The substitute worker monitors absences and steps in to take over those jobs for the day. 

25. Job coordinator

This might be the most important job of all! Once you get a system in place, the job coordinator takes on the task of monitoring jobs.  


First day of school

It’s the first day of school today. As a teaching intern, I attended the opening ceremony and observed the classes all day long. Students in 5C have ice-breaking activities and an introduction from the homeroom teacher. They set up the class routine and class etiquette. Basically, I feel tired now because I spent all day long in class interacting with students. I cherish I have the opportunity to participate in class as an observer and I occasionally reminded kids of their inappropriate behavior. I think that this group of kids is obedient and nice. Although I dislike the overweight of admin part of my internship, I feel lucky that I know most of the kids in 5C. Some of them remembered me, but since they were too little when I left the school, most kids who remember me are G6 and up. I feel happy to witness their growth.

Some reflection before the classes begin

I encountered a lot during this past week. I just wanted to list dome bullets in case I need to review them later.

  • Please cherish those teachers who are willing to devote themselves on teaching and teaching. 請珍惜每一位願意為學生付出的老師。
  • The basic rule for teachers: passion+ consciousness 一個老師的熱忱與良知。
  • When I looked back, I am grateful that I made a wise decision that I did not give up on the tough multimedia project 15 years ago. As a student, I legally had the right to drop the course. However, I had made my teacher work until 12 midnight solving the problem with me and walking me through the difficulties. I realized that it was definitely selfish if I dropped the course and just gave up. It would be harmful to a passionate teacher who has always been dedicated to teaching and learning and always helped students. Under the condition that she has cast her efforts, energy, and time on me, I was fortunate enough to overcome the difficulties and open the next chapter of my life bravely.
  • I am persistent and inquisitive. However, no matter how much tenacity I had, without the help and support from my beloved teacher, I would not be able to walk through the obstacles.
  • I firmly believe that the positive experience has become a foundation and invisible strength for me to carry on and build up new multimedia projects. Luckily, my past experience was not a fiasco that ended up sadly. I am the narrator who writes the script of her personal life story with gratitude and confidence.
  • Doing the right thing with integrity and treating people sincerely.

My first bulletin board

As I posted yesterday that my class will be filled with Rabbits, we are working on class prep and decoration. I have decorated my first bulletin board ever and fixed the clock in the classroom. It was a good start : )

Before I post this, the workers from the renovation company came and said that they haven’t finished building the bulletin board, so we need to remove all the decoration on the board. I was upset. However, I had no choice. All I need to do is to calm down and carry on. I will need to redo all this again tomorrow.