Author Archives: Pei-Hsuan Lin

About Pei-Hsuan Lin

An enthusiastic k-12 educator, a life-long learner, and a team player who loves to walk students through their learning journey.

Mindmap creating-toggle

Have you ever worried about things are too messy? Trying to find an organizer but fail?

Here is a useful Mindmap creating website. It is easy to use. Just log in and build your mindmap by typing on the content and dragging the lines around. Try it, you will fall in love with it!

Here’s my way of deciding our topic as project based learning (PBL) under the theme of digital citizenship.

Website-building resources

Have you ever built your own website? Did you struggle with how to become familiar with the website functions?

Recently, since Wix and Weebly are a bit ill-functioning, I tried two new ones. They are called Squarespace and Strikingly. These two are not as intuitive as WordPress, but Squarespace contains educational templates which are convenient for educators to build sites. As to Strikingly, the function is a bit limited, but as it has the share-editing function, I decided to give it a try on our group project. Hopefully, it will work out well. Keep an eye on my posts, something interesting is coming soon!


Cool toys-pop its!

When we were in class the other day, one of my classmates talked about pop-its. About the history, this kind of toy started from bubble papers, which we used to wrap up and protect objects, to stress balls, to fidget spinners, to squeeze hangers, and current, pop-its are popular in the US!

I have noticed and had all this stuff. For one reason, these are just small toys which are inexpensive and can realize stress; for another reason, they are sued to help students concentrate or release nervousness while talking to me. However, I did not know that pop-its hit the frontline currently until my classmate talked about it. Therefore, I ordered it online. I played it with my family. We had a good time challenging each other.

The pop-its has other two functions other than realizing stress, it helps children to develop their fine motor skills and hand-eye coordination. Also, it stimulates cognitive development by applying children’s decision-making skills and thinking about how to win the game.

Here are my cute toys:

Check it out if you’re interested : )

Using PowerPoint to remove background from an Image

Have you ever been curious how to remove background from an image? Besides Photoshop, here is a simple way to do it by using Powerpoint.

  1. Add an image to a slide and click on it and click on the “Picture Format” panel at the top of the page
  2. Click on the “Remove Background” button and mark the areas you want to keep, along with the areas you don’t want to keep.  you don’t have to be super precise – the algorithm will figure things out with just a few hints!
  3. Click “Keep Changes” when you’re done
  4. Right-click on your image to save it, or copy-paste it into the application of your choice
  5. Insert another background
  6. Put them in the right order and type the caption
  7. Done! End product : )