Author Archives: Pei-Hsuan Lin

About Pei-Hsuan Lin

An enthusiastic k-12 educator, a life-long learner, and a team player who loves to walk students through their learning journey.

The end product of spatial method presentation

Good morning! I just take a look at the end product we made last night. It looks great! When I watched the presentation, I did not feel the choppy of my expression. Perhaps I was just my teammates suddenly became seriously and presented their profession so I got shock. Now I feel much better and accept what it is, not too bad!

Some thoughts for today

It is 11:53 pm midnight. I just finished recording the spatial method presentation with my teammates. Prior to this experience, I was so confident that I spoken English fluently, but after this presentation recording, I changed my mind. My teammates are two Americans and a British. Since English is their mother tongue, they can “play with” it easily and spoke perfectly without any awkwardness and memorization. With limited practice, they could speak professionally without any hesitation. I was a bit SHOCK. I mean, I could express freely and communicate back and forth orally, but I have to admit that the discrepancy was that It’s NOT my native language, so I could presented well with flexible practice and became outstanding in comparison with non-natives, but natives…I still have long way to go!

PS. Literature Review + research proposal= ultimate goal for this week

Practice makes PROGRESS, not perfect

When I read this post last night, I had a strong feeling. Since I was a little girl, I was educated that Practice makes perfect. However, I did realize that the effort you pay is not necessary equals to the result you get. Therefore, I was frustrated. Now, I have to say that this phrase should be revised to Practice makes PROGRESS, not perfect. In this way, I would suffer less.

I have lots on my plate since I am taking a research class. I have to drat and produce a research proposal. Best luck to me!

Coincidence–No veg out anymore

After concentrating on spatial data analysis intensively yesterday, I was so lazy of working on anything. I mentally reminded myself that you need to work on the assignments and do NOT veg out! However, I couldn’t convince and focused on my studies. It was until I received the message from Mike that the system did not work all day long, I started trying mine, and I was so nervous and frustrated. Well, the positive thing was since the system did not work almost all day long, so I felt better and less guilty. I have submitted the assignment and finished reading the materials. I am ready for class, he he, lucky me!

My ”Restricted Area“

Clearly, if someone mentioned anything about either my student loan or my aunt, I would explode, not just piss off or become grumpy. That’s my it’s a taboo, a restricted area.

Remembered one of my goals for 2021 is to concentrate one my studies. The other side of this intention is to let go off the negative aspect of suck affair that my aunt did. However, it seems that she has other action recently. She would to become one of successors and guardians of my grandpa. My question is why does my grandpa need 5 guardians including my big uncle, who needs to be protected himself? I have no idea. I just think my aunt is protecting her own rights and would like to become my creditor.

Well, I am back to the mood of enjoying my studies after taking the fully online course. Calm down! Think about how I survived through the olds when I struggled in the U.S. Let the sunlight shed into your window and warm the empty mind.